
Virginia’s Infrastructure Struggle for Status Quo

With a state that’s growing as fast as Virginia, you’re bound to have growing pains, but none are as striking or obvious as the traffic gridlock across the state. So, would you be surprised that the Virginia Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers gave roads a D grade in their new 2015 Report......

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Michigan Legislature Defers to the Public on Gas Tax

Last week Michigan’s House and Senate leadership worked tirelessly with Governor Rick Snyder to reach a deal before closing out the 2014 legislative session. The House and Senate initially passed differing transportation funding measures. Both would have increased investment in Michigan roads however, the funding methods were vastly different. With neither chamber willing to accept......

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This Week in Infrastructure: The Cascading Effect of Aging Infrastructure

  As the weather changes and our infrastructure continues to be neglected, issues and disruptions are increasing. Infrastructure collapses, like the water main break in DC, remind us that failing infrastructure is fragile and unpredictable—and should be continuously maintained to help prevent a crisis. On Tuesday in Washington, D.C., a 12-inch water main ruptured below......

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State Legislators Come Together to Discuss Infrastructure Issues

State legislators and legislative staff from around the country gathered in Washington, DC last week to share innovative solutions to the pressing problems facing states, and infrastructure issues were among the topics they tackled. During National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) annual Fall Forum, several sessions focused on infrastructure issues that are facing state policymakers. ......

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ASCE Past President Andy Herrmann To Talk Infrastructure with 60 Minutes

This Sunday, Nov. 23, ASCE Past President Andrew W. Herrmann, P.E. SECB, F.ASCE, will discuss the state of our nation’s bridges during primetime TV on CBS’ 60 Minutes via a helicopter tour of Pittsburgh. 60 Minutes Video – The roads and bridges Americans drive on every day are in dire need of repair or replacement......

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8 Things Worth Knowing About Montana’s C- Infrastructure

Montana’s Water Pipes Could Stretch From Billings to Miami – Roundtrip Montana has approximately 700 public water systems and over 5,300 miles of water distribution and transmission piping, a longer stretch than driving roundtrip from Billings to Miami. Some Pipes Under Original Montana Plots Might Be Original Too Some of the older and more established......

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Election Results Signify Shift in Americans’ Willingness to Invest in Infrastructure

In light of the recent elections, infrastructure investment has now moved from a topic of discussion into a plan for action in many states. With the nation’s pressing infrastructure needs and limited federal funds available, ASCE is pleased that many states are finding creative ways to pay for infrastructure improvements through other means. With six......

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Big Wins for Infrastructure on Election Day

Leading up to yesterday’s election ASCE brought you information on many statewide ballot measures. ASCE staff worked with our dedicated members on the ground in California, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Texas, and Wisconsin.  The issues being put to the test ranged from roads to water and addressed improvements to aging structures, compliance with......

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This Week in Infrastructure: Getting Infrastructure Projects Moving Through the Ballot Box

With Election Day around the corner, ballot initiatives related to infrastructure will give voters a chance to help shape our nation’s future. The economic, environmental and public safety issues on each state’s ballots underscore ASCE’s strategic initiative: improving our nation’s infrastructure. Infrastructure is the backbone of our economy. The roads and bridges we drive on,......

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