Save America’s Infrastructure

This Week in Infrastructure: Final Push in 2014 for Highway Trust Fund Fix

Power failures, drivers frustrated with abysmal road conditions and increased media attention to our nation’s aging infrastructure have rattled Americans and driven more states to pursue raising their gas tax as a way of fixing the Highway Trust Fund. This past Tuesday, a massive power failure left large sections of Detroit in darkness. According to......

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ASCE Past President Flies Over Pittsburgh on 60 Minutes

ASCE Past President Andy Herrmann flew over the “city of bridges” with 60 Minutes’ Steve Kroft to highlight America’s aging bridges in a segment that aired Sunday, Nov. 23. Falling apart: America’s neglected infrastructure Herrmann was among several experts interviewed for the piece, including former Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood and Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR).......

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This Week in Infrastructure: Thankful for Ramped-Up Media Interest in Infrastructure Renewal

With holiday travel underway and harsh weather already arriving in some regions, the state of our nation’s highways will become even more apparent as thousands of Americans take to the roads to visit family and friends during the Thanksgiving holiday.  However, our current D+ in infrastructure and lack of sufficient funding for the Highway Trust......

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ASCE Past President Andy Herrmann To Talk Infrastructure with 60 Minutes

This Sunday, Nov. 23, ASCE Past President Andrew W. Herrmann, P.E. SECB, F.ASCE, will discuss the state of our nation’s bridges during primetime TV on CBS’ 60 Minutes via a helicopter tour of Pittsburgh. 60 Minutes Video – The roads and bridges Americans drive on every day are in dire need of repair or replacement......

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8 Things Worth Knowing About Montana’s C- Infrastructure

Montana’s Water Pipes Could Stretch From Billings to Miami – Roundtrip Montana has approximately 700 public water systems and over 5,300 miles of water distribution and transmission piping, a longer stretch than driving roundtrip from Billings to Miami. Some Pipes Under Original Montana Plots Might Be Original Too Some of the older and more established......

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This Week in Infrastructure: Bipartisanship Needed to Get Infrastructure Improvements Rolling

With the midterm elections completed and the Congressional lame duck session underway, Americans are looking for a fresh approach to infrastructure investment at the federal level.  ASCE hopes that the new Congress will respond to our nation’s infrastructure needs with compromise and urgency before May, when the Highway Trust Fund will once again become insolvent.......

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Election Results Signify Shift in Americans’ Willingness to Invest in Infrastructure

In light of the recent elections, infrastructure investment has now moved from a topic of discussion into a plan for action in many states. With the nation’s pressing infrastructure needs and limited federal funds available, ASCE is pleased that many states are finding creative ways to pay for infrastructure improvements through other means. With six......

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Big Wins for Infrastructure on Election Day

Leading up to yesterday’s election ASCE brought you information on many statewide ballot measures. ASCE staff worked with our dedicated members on the ground in California, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Texas, and Wisconsin.  The issues being put to the test ranged from roads to water and addressed improvements to aging structures, compliance with......

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