
leaking pipe of drinking water

D.C. Infrastructure Report Card Gives C- Overall, Lowest Grade to Levees

The 2016 Report Card for D.C.’s Infrastructure is an independent review of the current state of infrastructure needs, capability and funding in D.C. by the National Capital Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The Report Card was written over the past year by ASCE members from the D.C. region who assigned the grades......

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report card for alabama's infrastructure 2015

Alabama’s Infrastructure Grades Are In

The inaugural Report Card for Alabama’s Infrastructure, released today, reveals that Alabama’s aging infrastructure needs attention, especially its dams. As the only state without a dam safety program, Alabama does not have a complete inventory of all the dams in the state. Without this, Alabama is unaware of its dam safety risk. At the last......

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New York Infrastructure Report Card

In the inaugural 2015 Report Card for New York’s Infrastructure released today, the state received an overall grade of “C-” from the New York Council of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Assessing nine categories, the report finds that the state’s roads and bridges are among the categories most in need of repair, receiving grades......

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transportation water freight and energy are game changers

New Game Changers Report Identifies Top Trends Shaping Infrastructure

The challenges our infrastructure faces are chronicled frequently on this blog and in the media. The Highway Trust Fund heading toward insolvency (again). Water main breaks occurring every two minutes. Congested roadways causing us each to lose time and waste gas. But that’s only half the story. Today, we released our new Infrastructure #GameChangers report,......

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transportation water freight and energy are game changers

Infrastructure That’s Changing the Game

Our nation’s aging infrastructure is facing big challenges. But congested roadways and overflowing sewers are only half the story. That’s why the American Society of Civil Engineers is releasing a new report about the innovative ways communities across the country are modernizing infrastructure. Infrastructure Game Changers highlights trends in energy, freight, transportation and water......

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EPA Finalizes WOTUS Rule

Last week the Obama Administration released a final rule setting new bounds on the reach of federal water jurisdiction. The “Waters of the U.S.” (WOTUS) rule is more than 20 years in the making. Uncertainty stemming from three Supreme Court decisions left the two primary agencies responsible for implementing the rule—the Environmental Protection Agency and......

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2015 Report Card for Iowa’s Infrastructure Arrives Next Tuesday

The Iowa Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) will release the inaugural 2015 Report Card for Iowa’s Infrastructure on Tuesday, February 24. The report includes evaluations of Iowa aviation, rail, inland waterways, roads, bridges, dams, levees, drinking water, wastewater, electrical energy, and solid waste. News conference on release of the 2015 Report......

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Obama Budget Goes Big on Infrastructure

Transportation Today’s fiscal year 2016 (FY16) budget release by President Obama was particularly generous to infrastructure programs. The President is proposing a $478 billion, six-year surface transportation (MAP-21) reauthorization proposal titled the GROW AMERICA Act paid for by taxing companies’ overseas profits. The bill length is historically similar to other long-term highway & transit bill......

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Virginia’s Infrastructure Struggle for Status Quo

With a state that’s growing as fast as Virginia, you’re bound to have growing pains, but none are as striking or obvious as the traffic gridlock across the state. So, would you be surprised that the Virginia Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers gave roads a D grade in their new 2015 Report......

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