
2015 Report Card for Iowa’s Infrastructure Arrives Next Tuesday

The Iowa Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) will release the inaugural 2015 Report Card for Iowa’s Infrastructure on Tuesday, February 24. The report includes evaluations of Iowa aviation, rail, inland waterways, roads, bridges, dams, levees, drinking water, wastewater, electrical energy, and solid waste. News conference on release of the 2015 Report......

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Virginia’s Infrastructure Struggle for Status Quo

With a state that’s growing as fast as Virginia, you’re bound to have growing pains, but none are as striking or obvious as the traffic gridlock across the state. So, would you be surprised that the Virginia Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers gave roads a D grade in their new 2015 Report......

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Nevada Report Card Reveals a $15B Infrastructure Problem

During the past twenty years Nevada experienced one of the largest growth surges in the country and then one of the worst downturns from late 2008 through 2013. This roller coaster economy decreased funding levels and preventive maintenance suffered leaving many infrastructure systems underfunded. Hardest hit may be school facilities in both rural communities and......

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8 Things Worth Knowing About Montana’s C- Infrastructure

Montana’s Water Pipes Could Stretch From Billings to Miami – Roundtrip Montana has approximately 700 public water systems and over 5,300 miles of water distribution and transmission piping, a longer stretch than driving roundtrip from Billings to Miami. Some Pipes Under Original Montana Plots Might Be Original Too Some of the older and more established......

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Advocate Profile: Amanda Hanaway-Corrente, PE, MBA

Amanda Hanaway-Corrente, PE, MBA, is a member of the Vermont section. She works at the University of Vermont (UVM) Transportation Research Center (TRC) as the New England Transportation Consortium (NETC) Coordinator. She also represents the UVM TRC as the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTRANS) Research Advisory Committee (RAC) Liaison, ensuring strong communication between UVM and......

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Infrastructure in Arkansas Earns D+

This Thursday, the Arkansas Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers released their inaugural Infrastructure Report Card for the state grading the states’ infrastructure. Arkansas’ infrastructure received a cumulative GPA of “D+” in the 2014 Report Card for Arkansas’ Infrastructure. The seven infrastructure categories evaluated in the report include: Roads (D+) Drinking water (D+)......

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Vermont Infrastructure Shows Improvement in New Report Card

The latest Report Card for Vermont’s Infrastructure showed a slight improvement in their overall GPA to a “C.” The 2014 Report Card for Vermont’s Infrastructure is an update from 2011, when the state received a “C-” cumulative grade.  The Report Card assessed bridges (C), dams (C), drinking water (C-), wastewater (D), roads (C-), and solid......

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Humboldt County California’s Transportation Report Card Released

This afternoon the 2014 Report Card for Humboldt County’s Infrastructure, an independent review of the area’s transportation needs, was released by the North Coast Branch of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The Report Card gave the County’s roads a grade of D+ grade and bridges received a grade of C-. According to the new report,......

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Harnessing the Natural Process for Clean Water in Colorado

Let’s Envision the Infrastructure for Tomorrow America’s infrastructure needs a national commitment to bring existing infrastructure into a state-of-good-repair, and in the long term we must modernize and build in a targeted and strategic manner. This means leadership at the federal, state, and local levels of government, by businesses and individuals, to communicate the importance......

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