
This Week in Infrastructure: The Cascading Effect of Aging Infrastructure

  As the weather changes and our infrastructure continues to be neglected, issues and disruptions are increasing. Infrastructure collapses, like the water main break in DC, remind us that failing infrastructure is fragile and unpredictable—and should be continuously maintained to help prevent a crisis. On Tuesday in Washington, D.C., a 12-inch water main ruptured below......

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8 Things Worth Knowing About Montana’s C- Infrastructure

Montana’s Water Pipes Could Stretch From Billings to Miami – Roundtrip Montana has approximately 700 public water systems and over 5,300 miles of water distribution and transmission piping, a longer stretch than driving roundtrip from Billings to Miami. Some Pipes Under Original Montana Plots Might Be Original Too Some of the older and more established......

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Election Results Signify Shift in Americans’ Willingness to Invest in Infrastructure

In light of the recent elections, infrastructure investment has now moved from a topic of discussion into a plan for action in many states. With the nation’s pressing infrastructure needs and limited federal funds available, ASCE is pleased that many states are finding creative ways to pay for infrastructure improvements through other means. With six......

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Big Wins for Infrastructure on Election Day

Leading up to yesterday’s election ASCE brought you information on many statewide ballot measures. ASCE staff worked with our dedicated members on the ground in California, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Texas, and Wisconsin.  The issues being put to the test ranged from roads to water and addressed improvements to aging structures, compliance with......

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This Week in Infrastructure: Getting Infrastructure Projects Moving Through the Ballot Box

With Election Day around the corner, ballot initiatives related to infrastructure will give voters a chance to help shape our nation’s future. The economic, environmental and public safety issues on each state’s ballots underscore ASCE’s strategic initiative: improving our nation’s infrastructure. Infrastructure is the backbone of our economy. The roads and bridges we drive on,......

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Infrastructure in Arkansas Earns D+

This Thursday, the Arkansas Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers released their inaugural Infrastructure Report Card for the state grading the states’ infrastructure. Arkansas’ infrastructure received a cumulative GPA of “D+” in the 2014 Report Card for Arkansas’ Infrastructure. The seven infrastructure categories evaluated in the report include: Roads (D+) Drinking water (D+)......

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Vermont Infrastructure Shows Improvement in New Report Card

The latest Report Card for Vermont’s Infrastructure showed a slight improvement in their overall GPA to a “C.” The 2014 Report Card for Vermont’s Infrastructure is an update from 2011, when the state received a “C-” cumulative grade.  The Report Card assessed bridges (C), dams (C), drinking water (C-), wastewater (D), roads (C-), and solid......

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California Proposition 1 Invests in Water Infrastructure

Proposition 1 is a statewide ballot measure that will provide a dedicated source of funding to California’s water supply infrastructure.  This includes much needed public water system improvements, surface and groundwater storage, drinking water protection, recycling and advanced water treatment technology among other eligible projects. California is the midst of a severe, multi-year drought and......

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Join the #WaterWorks Thunderclap to Show Your Support for Water Infrastructure Investment

Without clean, safe, and reliable water and wastewater systems, one-fifth of our US economy would grind to a halt. Yet, in the 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, drinking water and wastewater both received D grades. On Wednesday, Sept. 10, ASCE will join other water leaders as part of the Value of Water Coalition to......

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ASCE Members Advise Federal Government on Water Information Programs

ASCE members Martha Juch, P.E., D.WRE, and Robert Schreiber, P.E., BCEE, D.WRE participated in the Advisory Committee on Water Information (ACWI) annual meeting last month in Reston, Virginia. The advisory committee’s mission is to improve water information for decision making for natural resources management and environmental protection. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is the primary......

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