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Link to Post:">Election Results Signify Shift in Americans’ Willingness to Invest in Infrastructure

Election Results Signify Shift in Americans’ Willingness to Invest in Infrastructure

In light of the recent elections, infrastructure investment has now moved from a topic of discussion into a plan for action in many states. With the nation’s pressing infrastructure needs and limited federal funds available, ASCE is pleased that many states are finding creative ways to pay for infrastructure improvements through other means. With six......

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Link to Post:">Big Wins for Infrastructure on Election Day

Big Wins for Infrastructure on Election Day

Leading up to yesterday’s election ASCE brought you information on many statewide ballot measures. ASCE staff worked with our dedicated members on the ground in California, Hawaii, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Texas, and Wisconsin.  The issues being put to the test ranged from roads to water and addressed improvements to aging structures, compliance with......

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Link to Post:">This Week in Infrastructure: Getting Infrastructure Projects Moving Through the Ballot Box

This Week in Infrastructure: Getting Infrastructure Projects Moving Through the Ballot Box

With Election Day around the corner, ballot initiatives related to infrastructure will give voters a chance to help shape our nation’s future. The economic, environmental and public safety issues on each state’s ballots underscore ASCE’s strategic initiative: improving our nation’s infrastructure. Infrastructure is the backbone of our economy. The roads and bridges we drive on,......

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Link to Post:">Rock the Vote for Infrastructure on Nov. 4

Rock the Vote for Infrastructure on Nov. 4

Have you ever taken the bus to work?  Driven across a bridge? Turned on the faucet for a drink of water?  You may have even noticed that some of these roads and bridges are in need of some TLC. Perhaps, you’ve heard news stories about how water becomes scarce at the time of drought, or......

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Link to Post:">Advocate Profile: Amanda Hanaway-Corrente, PE, MBA

Advocate Profile: Amanda Hanaway-Corrente, PE, MBA

Amanda Hanaway-Corrente, PE, MBA, is a member of the Vermont section. She works at the University of Vermont (UVM) Transportation Research Center (TRC) as the New England Transportation Consortium (NETC) Coordinator. She also represents the UVM TRC as the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTRANS) Research Advisory Committee (RAC) Liaison, ensuring strong communication between UVM and......

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Link to Post:">Enhance Rhode Island’s Mass Transit Systems — Vote “Yes” on Question 6

Enhance Rhode Island’s Mass Transit Systems — Vote “Yes” on Question 6

Support improved mobility and a reduction in road congestion by voting to “approve” Question 6 on November 4th. Rhode Island voters will be asked to invest in transit improvements to make travel, and commuting, easier.  Passing this measure will allow the State of Rhode Island to issue bonds and notes to fund enhancements and renovations......

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Link to Post:">This Week in Infrastructure: SOS for Depleting Infrastructure Funds: The Time to Act is Now!

This Week in Infrastructure: SOS for Depleting Infrastructure Funds: The Time to Act is Now!

With the elections a little under two weeks away, a recent drop in oil prices and a current D+ report card in infrastructure, now is an opportune time for America to focus on transportation and infrastructure funding. The Highway Trust Fund is not only crucial for funding roads, bridges and transit, but necessary for states......

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Link to Post:">Vote “Yes” to Invest in a Louisiana Infrastructure Bank

Vote “Yes” to Invest in a Louisiana Infrastructure Bank

Amend the Louisiana State Constitution on November 4 to allow the legislature to designate public funds for eligible transportation projects. This is a critical step towards establishing the Louisiana Infrastructure Bank as it creates a mechanism to allocate funds that will provide the state with safer roads and stimulate local economies. A “yes” vote on......

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Link to Post:">Vote “For” Question 1!: Protect Maryland’s Transportation Trust Fund

Vote “For” Question 1!: Protect Maryland’s Transportation Trust Fund

Wisconsin voters aren’t the only ones who will be asked to decide how the state can spend its transportation dollars. On November 4, Maryland voters will also head to the polls to address this very issue. Question 1 will appear on the ballot statewide and if passed, will ensure that revenue allocated to the Transportation......

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Link to Post:">ASCE Participates in White House Event on Building Green Infrastructure

ASCE Participates in White House Event on Building Green Infrastructure

The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invited ASCE to participate and join a new working group called the Green Infrastructure Collaborative. The Collaborative is a broad network of federal agencies, NGO’s, and private sector entities focused on promoting and implementing green infrastructure across government and in the......

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