
Senate EPW Introduces Bipartisan Surface Transportation Bill

Over the weekend Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee Chairman Tom Carper (D-DE), Ranking Member Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), and Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee Chairman Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Ranking Member Kevin Cramer (R-ND) introduced the Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act (STRA) of 2021. This legislation takes the first step in reauthorizing highway and bridge......

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ASCE a Leading Voice for Infrastructure Dialogue Nationwide

Infrastructure has been all the rage these days, as President Biden and members of Congress on both sides of the aisle have been calling for generational investment in the nation’s built environment as a means of revitalizing the economy and getting Americans back to work. Massive investments have been proposed, including President Biden’s $2.2 trillion......

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House T&I Republicans Introduce the STARTER Act 2.0

On Wednesday, House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Ranking Member Sam Graves (R-MO6), and other Republican Committee leaders, introduced the Surface Transportation Advanced through Reform, Technology, & Efficient Review (STARTER) Act 2.0. This is the latest and most detailed surface transportation reauthorization released by either party in either chamber this Congress. The legislation maintains Republican surface......

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White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council Releases Recommendations

Last week, the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council released final interim recommendations and guidelines for implementing President Biden’s environmental justice goals. The recommendations said initiatives such as renewable energy, clean water programs, and green housing could all quality as federal benefits for “vulnerable communities.” The council is made up of leaders in the environmental......

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United for Infrastructure 2021: A Week of Broad Agreement & Urgency

United for Infrastructure 2021 is drawing to a close. The week was full of in-depth panels, remarks, and interviews on the importance of infrastructure systems to the economic vitality of all communities. A focus on infrastructure from diverse stakeholders was especially timely as President Joe Biden continues to advocate for his American Jobs Plan that......

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Treasury Provides Guidance on State and Local COVID-19 Aid

On Monday, the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) launched the  Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds  (CSLFRF) program. The program was first authorized under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). CSLFRF provides $350 billion in emergency funding for eligible state, local, territorial, and tribal governments to help turn the tide on the pandemic,......

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United for Infrastructure Week of Events

United for Infrastructure 2021 will take place May 10-14, featuring a series of virtual events around the country elevating infrastructure as an issue impacting all Americans. The programming is especially timely as Congress debates how to move forward on investing in infrastructure to help the economy recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. ASCE is a steering......

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spending bills passed by congress

Strategic Investment Tactics for Infrastructure Improvement

Guest Post by Maria Lehman, National Infrastructure Lead, U.S. at GHD ASCE’s government relations program is about making a societal difference. Through advocacy and relevant reporting, we capture the imagination of Mayors, Governors, Congress and even Presidents. Congress has indicated it’s serious about providing significant new funding for infrastructure and emphasized it’s a bipartisan issue.......

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the endless frontier act

The Endless Frontier Act – A Dramatic Boost for Research and Development

On Wednesday, April 21, the U.S. Senate introduced a bipartisan bill — the Endless Frontier Act — that would increase American investments in science and technology innovation with the goal of strengthening the economy and competing worldwide.  The effort is led by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senator Todd Young (R-IN), and would,......

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President Biden Releases FY22 ‘Skinny Budget’

Last Friday the White House sent Congress its initial $1.5 trillion budget request for discretionary appropriations in fiscal year (FY) 2022. Known as the ‘skinny budget,’ the document provides the first glimpse of President Biden’s spending priorities. The 58- page budget request is the first since 2013 that is not tied to spending caps, which......

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