
Civil Engineers Urge Congress to Pass Infrastructure Bill in 2019 after President Trump’s State of Union Address

The following is a statement by Robin A. Kemper, PE, President, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) on President Trump’s State of the Union address to Congress on February 5, 2019: “We appreciate that the President identified infrastructure as one of his top priorities for legislative action this year, and indicated that it is not......

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Midwest Polar Vortex Impacts Critical Infrastructure

This past week, a blast of polar air covered much of the Midwest, closing schools and sending staff home early—causing businesses and restaurants to close shop before the end of the day. Piercing the Midwest with record low temperatures, infrastructure systems were also strained. Rail lines were snapped and gas-fed heaters ran alongside the rails......

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2019 Report Card for Georgia’s Infrastructure: State earns overall grade of “C+,” Up from 2014 “C” Grade

This afternoon, the Georgia Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers released the 2019 Report Card for Georgia’s Infrastructure. Fourteen infrastructure categories were given an overall grade of “C+.” In 2014, the state received a cumulative GPA of a “C.”  The following state’s transportation categories, bridges (“C+”), roads (“C+”), and transit (“D+”), saw grade increases......

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Business Leaders Ready to Support Infrastructure

President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Thomas Donohue delivered his annual State of American Business address last week and called for significant action to modernize our infrastructure as a vital tool that is integral to opportunity and must  treated with great urgency. This announcement coincides with strong voter support – the latest......

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President Signs Earthquake Program Reauthorization

On December 11th, President Trump signed S. 1768, the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP), which reauthorizes the federal program to improve the nation’s earthquake preparedness for five years. The legislation is the first reauthorization of the NEHRP in 15 years and the program has operated without an authorization since October of 2009. In addition......

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Montana Infrastructure Earns a “C”

Today, civil engineers in Montana released the 2018 Report Card for Montana’s Infrastructure at the State Capitol. Montana earned an overall grade of a “C,” meaning the state’s infrastructure systems are generally in mediocre condition. The Report Card graded ten categories: bridges, drinking water, dams, energy, rail, roads, schools, solid waste, stormwater, and wastewater. Rail......

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ASCE Gives Thanks for Infrastructure Successes

It’s that time of the year again – turkey, time off work to be with family and friends, and traveling headaches due to crowded airports and traffic on the highways. This week, millions of people around the country are traveling by way of plane, car, train, or bus to visit their loved ones near and......

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Congress Returns: ASCE’s Lame-Duck To-Do List

When Congress returns on Tuesday, November 21, they face a post-election “lame-duck” session, facing a funding deadline to prevent a partial government shutdown and other lingering issues. Additionally, both parties are conducting leadership elections this week, parts of which will linger into weeks ahead. Party leadership, new Committee Chairs, and Ranking Members will all need......

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Infrastructure Proves to be Priority on Election Night

Infrastructure investment was again a prevailing theme on ballots in many states this past election season. The midterm election poised an opportunity for states to create new revenue streams as well as secure existing ones. Let’s recap what happened with infrastructure initiatives on state ballots: California rejected a repeal of the 10-cent gas tax increase......

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