gas tax

Mississippi’s infrastructure grade improves to a ‘C-’

Mississippi’s infrastructure now has a ‘C-’ grade according to the 2024 Report Card for Mississippi’s Infrastructure, which was released by ASCE’s Mississippi Section outside the State Capitol Building on November 14th. That grade is a one-step improvement over the ‘D+’ grade the state received in 2020 and matches the national grade from the 2021 Report......

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Senate Panel Moves on Surface Transportation Bill

Bipartisanship was in the air on Capitol Hill this week. If there’s one issue both political parties can agree on, that’s infrastructure. This was evident this week as the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee introduced, marked up, and voted out of Committee S. 2302, America’s Transportation Infrastructure Act of 2019 (ATIA). This legislation......

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Thirteen States Increase Their Gas Tax – Just in Time for Summer

Across the country, many states are proving that funding and modernizing infrastructure is a key priority. We just saw Illinois pass a massive, bipartisan transportation package in June as a part of the “Rebuild Illinois Plan,” which created new revenue for roads and bridges, as well as increased the vehicle registration fee and added an......

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Report Examines Mileage-Based User Fee Future

This week, the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) released a report entitled, “A Policymaker’s Guide to Road User Charges.” The report calls on Congress to develop and pass legislation directing the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) to establish a national Mileage-Based User Fee system (MBUF) , or a “Road User Charge” (RUC). The......

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Infrastructure a Central Issue in the 2018 Election

The top issues in the 2018 election look a little different from previous elections. Conversations and plans around infrastructure have crept up in campaign debates all over the country, when this topic normally would not hit the desk of the newly elected official, or incumbent, until after Election Day. The Brookings Institution released a report......

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Chairman Shuster Releases Infrastructure Proposal

This week, U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA) released his long-awaited infrastructure discussion draft. Key components of the plan include fixing the Highway Trust Fund (HTF), investing in transportation and water resources infrastructure, financing innovative projects, and accelerating project delivery. The plan also calls for an increase of 15 cents per......

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California Transportation Investment at Stake in November

California legislators voted in the spring of 2017 to raise the state’s gas tax for the first time in 23 years. Gov. Jerry Brown praised the decision and signed the bill, SB1, into law, ushering in $5 billion worth of revenue to pay for roads, bridges, and transit projects that would increase safety, ease congestion,......

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Analysis of Federal Bridge Data Confirms ASCE Report Card Bridge Grade

The American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) released its Bridge Report based on the data in the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) 2017 National Bridge Inventory database. ARTBA’s Bridge Report confirms the “C+” grade given in ASCE’s 2017 Infrastructure Report Card. Both reports illustrate that while the overall number of bridges deemed structurally deficient......

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