
Congressman Curbelo Introduces Bill to Tax Carbon

Earlier this week, Congressman Carlos Curbelo (R-FL) introduced H.R. 6463, the Modernizing America with Rebuilding to Kick-start the Economy of the Twenty-first Century with a Historic Infrastructure-Centered Expansion Act, or the “MARKET CHOICE Act.” This bill would amend the tax code to add tax equal to $24 per metric ton of carbon dioxide (CO2), with......

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Analysis of Federal Bridge Data Confirms ASCE Report Card Bridge Grade

The American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) released its Bridge Report based on the data in the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) 2017 National Bridge Inventory database. ARTBA’s Bridge Report confirms the “C+” grade given in ASCE’s 2017 Infrastructure Report Card. Both reports illustrate that while the overall number of bridges deemed structurally deficient......

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Truckers Support an Increased Motor Fuels Tax

The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) released an assessment of the nation’s transportation funding options, an update to its original research in 2007, to identify the best revenue sources for our transportation network. In addition to ATRI, other industry stakeholders have offered alternative revenue sourcing options. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials......

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Congress Misses Opportunity to Fix Infrastructure, While States Do Their Part

The Senate and House tax bills proved to be missed opportunities for fixing the federal Highway Trust Fund, but states are doing their part and investing in infrastructure.   The federal Highway Trust Fund, an account used to pay for the federal share of roads, bridges, and transit, has not been raised in 24 years.......

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Oliver looking at the American infrastructure report card

2015 Media Relations Year in Review

Last year, ASCE was mentioned in the media more than 12,900 times in all 50 states and in more than 30 countries around the world, including 27 major print and broadcast media outlets and wire services. ASCE members and staff interviewed on everything from the state of the nation’s infrastructure to fixing the Highway Trust......

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surface transportation reauthorization and reform act of 2015

New Highway Bill Proposed; Nation’s Patience Wearing Thin

With just six days left until MAP-21’s expiration, all eyes are looking to the U.S. House to pass a long-term surface transportation bill. Yet, even if they do so by next week, another extension of MAP-21 will be necessary in order to iron out differences between the House and Senate-passed bills. Earlier this week, the......

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Congress returns, infrastructure needs pile on

Congress is back in session and has a lot of approaching deadlines, including both the surface transportation reauthorization and federal aviation administration reauthorization about to expire. With Labor Day and summer traffic behind us it is critical for Congress to invest in our surface transportation needs so that our nation’s roads don’t fall into even......

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Summer days driftin’ away, infrastructure needs remain

This weekend’s 10-year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina is an enduring reminder of the importance of infrastructure, and the need for increased investment to properly maintain it. As the anniversary neared, many media outlets recounted the damages of Katrina in light of the need for a sound flood protection plan in many coastal cities. ASCE’s Managing......

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Thank You to these senators for voting "yes" on a multi-year surface transportation bill

The House hits snooze for long-term bill until October

With July wrapping up, the House throwing in the towel and settling for another three-month extension as the Senate passing the DRIVE Act, hopes for a long-term highway funding solution are pushed back again. Before heading home for August recess the House and Senate passed another short-term patch that will provide $8 billion of funding......

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old barn in field

Another packed week in Washington

As the clock ticks, post-winter pothole damage accumulates and families and businesses are increasingly affected by the outdated infrastructure conditions, lawmakers and members of Congress are raising their voices to find sustainable funding solutions. With just 37 days until our current transportation funding extension expires, several states and industries are making their case for investment.......

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