gas tax

holiday traffic

New Jersey Must Fix the Transportation Trust Fund

Legislators in both chambers worked in a bipartisan manner to address the looming insolvency of New Jersey’s Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) just before the July 1st deadline. The TTF is the account from which the state pays for maintenance, repairs and construction for transportation infrastructure. As introduced by Senators Paul Sarlo (D-Bergen) and Steve Oroho......

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130 Congressmen Ask Colleagues to Fix the Highway Trust Fund

Last week 130 Members of Congress (73 Democrats and 57 Republicans) sent a letter to Chairman Brady (R-TX) and Ranking Member Levin (D-MI) of the House Ways & Means Committee urging them to include addressing the long-term solvency of the Federal Highway Trust Fund (HTF) in their plans for overhauling the U.S. tax code. They......

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blue map of usa

State Legislatures Focus on Infrastructure and Professional Practice Issues

While infrastructure issues have remained at the forefront of 2016 state legislative debates, the activity seen during this session is much less impressive than the 2015 legislative season. However, in addition to tackling the question of infrastructure, some states have lumped in professional practice issues like “qualifications based selection” (QBS) as they contemplate their budgets......

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Water Infrastructure: Container Ship

Infrastructure in the News: Investing in how we move people and goods

Airline legislation, port investment and more states vocalizing the need for infrastructure investment mark this week’s infrastructure headlines. According to The Hill, the long-term reauthorization of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) programs overcame a major hurdle Wednesday. The Senate’s reauthorization bill would green-light FAA programs through September 2017, addressing airport security issues and more. In addition......

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Infrastructure in the News: Spring coming, increased need for infrastructure funding

With warmer weather approaching and spring around the bend, the dismal state of our nation’s infrastructure funding is being reflected as several states figure out how to deal with their beleaguered infrastructure in light of dwindling funds. Infrastructure has also been a topic of discussion to pay attention to in the presidential debates. An article......

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group photo in front of construction

2015 State Government Relations Year in Review

2015 once again proved that states are where the action is! Gavel to gavel, ASCE kept a watchful eye on legislative sessions in all 50 states, worked on ballot initiatives in 4 states, and travelled coast to coast educating members on how to engage elected officials, and reaching out to legislators to spread the message......

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fast act

FAST Act Summary Part Two: Highways

This is the second in a series of summaries over the next few weeks on the contents of the newly-passed five-year federal surface transportation authorization law, Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The first part explored the law’s funding and the future fiscal health of the Highway Trust Fund. The next sections will focus on......

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fixing america's surface transportation act

FAST Act Summary Part One: The Funding

This is the first in a series of summaries over the next few weeks on the contents of the newly-passed five-year federal surface transportation authorization law, Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. The next sections will focus on policy changes to highways, transit, and federal passenger rail programs. The backbone of federal transportation funding is......

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