Drinking Water

White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council Releases Recommendations

Last week, the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council released final interim recommendations and guidelines for implementing President Biden’s environmental justice goals. The recommendations said initiatives such as renewable energy, clean water programs, and green housing could all quality as federal benefits for “vulnerable communities.” The council is made up of leaders in the environmental......

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In Oregon and Beyond, Vote for Water in November

*This post is written by Greg DiLoreto, P.E.,  P.L.S., ASCE Past President regarding the 6th Annual Imagine a Day Without Water and Oregon ballot measure 3-562 on wastewater infrastructure Our country has faced an enormous public health crisis from COVID-19. Throughout this emergency, water and wastewater systems kept the water flowing in homes, hospitals, and......

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aging water infrastructure

Investing in Aging Water Infrastructure: Exponential Potential and the Cost of Inaction

A hidden network of pipes and pumps ensure water flows through homes and businesses, but people often take these critical systems for granted. This month, our organizations, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the Value of Water Campaign (VOW) partnered on a new economic report that quantifies water infrastructure investment and what happens......

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Rhode Island’s Infrastructure Gets a ‘C-’ in its State’s First Infrastructure Report Card

The Rhode Island Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) released the inaugural 2020 Report Card for Rhode Island’s Infrastructure this morning in a virtual news conference, Speakers included Chad Morrison, P.E., 2020 ASCE Rhode Island President-Elect; Nazifa Sarawat, E.I.T., Chair, 2020 Report Card for Rhode Island’s Infrastructure; Mayor James Diossa of Central......

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Water, Ports, and Resilience Investment Included in Moving Forward Act

House Democrats’ infrastructure package, the Moving Forward Act, contains $40 billion for wastewater infrastructure and $25 billion for drinking water infrastructure. ASCE’s 2017 Infrastructure Report Card gave our nation’s wastewater a grade of “D+,” and our nation’s drinking water a grade of “D,” and by 2025, the disparity between needed and anticipated funding for drinking......

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ASCE Supports Paid Sick Leave Tax Credit Parity Between Private and Public Employers

This week, bipartisan legislation was introduced to restore parity between private and public sector employers regarding eligibility for payroll tax credits to alleviate the costs of paid leave during the coronavirus pandemic. ASCE supports the Supporting State and Local Leaders Act, which was introduced by Rep. Schneider (D-IL), Rep. Katko (R-NY), Rep. Cox (D-CA), Rep.......

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Senate Environment & Public Works Committee Releases Water Resources Development Act of 2020 and Drinking Water Legislation

This week, the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee has released a  draft of their bipartisan WRDA 2020 bill, entitled America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) of 2020, which keeps Congress on track with the biennium WRDA reauthorization schedule. This bill authorizes $17 billion in infrastructure projects and reauthorizes the EPA’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund......

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COVID-19 Stimulus Relief Package Must Address Drinking Water, Wastewater

Safe and accessible drinking water. Properly treated wastewater. Reliable electricity that keeps the lights on. Ports and airports to move goods through the country and overseas safely. Highways, bridges, and public transportation to get people to the grocery, pharmacy, or doctor. These systems are part of the critical infrastructure that is imperative during the response......

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