

Congress needs a touchdown; no more field goals!

Football season has unofficially launched, and hopefully from now on punts will remain on the field and outside of Congress. While Congress is back home for summer recess, many states are expressing their opinions about the lack of federal funding as more infrastructure needs rise to the surface. In Nebraska, Senator Deb Fischer and Transportation......

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Despite Senate Transportation Action, House Stymies Progress

During the last two months, the Senate made good use of its time to craft a multi-year surface transportation bill with an increase in funding. As is often the way for Congress, it still came down to the wire. For over a week, the U.S. Senate has been in a mad dash to complete its......

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steps to the capital

Fix the Trust Fund: Now it’s the Senate’s Turn

  Last Wednesday, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to extend highway and transit programs until December 18, 2015 on a 312-119 vote. The House bill granted a $8.1 billion boost the Highway trust Fund (HTF) to keep it solvent past the looming July 31 deadline. This extension will fund surface transportation projects through......

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America's G.P.A. D+ estimated investment needed by 2020 $3.6 trillion

Time ticking away for Highway Trust Fund fix, but there is still hope

Despite another action-packed week on the Hill, a long-term, sustainable funding solution for our nation’s transportation network still is not final. While the House voted for a short-term extension until December, there’s still hope that the Senate’s multi-year bill, the DRIVE Act, will prevail before the July 31 deadline. The House passed an $8.1 billion......

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Congressional Focus Remains on Highway & Transit Bill

This week both the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate will gear-up over the future of federal highway and transit funding and policy.  The House is expected to approve a six-month extension of current policy, which would cost approximately $9 billion.  The Senate is expected to take-up highway legislation later this week, but it......

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Gas Tax Gets New Attention

The hour glass is running thinner on the federal surface transportation program. Congress has only three weeks left to pass a robust, multiyear surface transportation bill before the self-imposed deadline. This week ASCE joined with the American Road and Transportation Builders Association in sponsoring an ad directed at Congress and the President, asking that they......

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tell legislators

#FIXTHETRUSTFUND This Week: Time for Congress’ Next Move

Congress returns to D.C. this week, and we’re watching the Senate (where the most promising legislation was recently passed through the EPW Committee) to see if the Senate Commerce Committee or the Senate Banking Committee will start to mark-up their portions of the highway and transit bill. However to truly move forward, Senate leadership and the......

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drive act: developing a reliable and innovative vision for the economy

Momentum to DRIVE up infrastructure funding

With a new surface transportation re-authorization bill on the table, the process to pass a long-term bill before Congress’ July 31 deadline is materializing. This week the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee passed a six-year, $278 billion surface transportation reauthorization bill called the Developing a Reliable and Innovative Vision for the Economy (DRIVE) Act.......

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