
FCC Moves to Cut Vehicle Safety Airwaves For Faster Wi-Fi; ASCE Urges Agency to Rescind Decision

The Following Post is Authored by Blaine Leonard, 2010  ASCE President, and the Transportation Technology Engineer at the Utah Department of Transportation, where he is responsible for planning and deployment of connected and automated vehicles.  Most of us will end up spending a good deal of time driving this holiday season, whether it’s traveling to......

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Why It’s Time to Reauthorize the National Windstorm Impact Reduction Program

Across the nation, we’re seeing more power outages caused by a variety of factors: climate change, increasing storms, heat, and windstorms. That’s right – large amounts of wind can cause power outages, as seen recently in Idaho and Washington.  Luckily, we have a program that was created in 2004 by Congress after a five-year effort......

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Construction Innovation Highlighted on Capitol Hill

Advanced digital construction methods can save money and create many opportunities for small businesses. It’s an exciting time for engineers, architects, and project managers as they look at new ways to build bridges, buildings, and other structures. New data and using digital models have caused construction sites to become safer and more efficient. However, only......

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Resilience Revolving Loan Fund Helps Cities and States Prepare for the Future Now

We’re at peak hurricane season, with the recent Hurricane Dorian squeaking by the Carolinas, but devastating the Bahamas. At the same time in Houston, torrential rain and deadly flooding from the remnants of Tropical Storm Imelda is canceling flights, leaving hundreds of cars abandoned in the roads, and turning roads into rivers. Now is an......

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Big Travel Weekend Coincides with New Traffic Report

This weekend marks the last (unofficial) weekend of summer, and with the long weekend just hours away, people across the country will be hitting the road. Another holiday means more holiday traffic, which shines a spotlight on the need to improve our transportation infrastructure. According to the travel industry group Airlines for America, about 17.5......

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Thirteen States Increase Their Gas Tax – Just in Time for Summer

Across the country, many states are proving that funding and modernizing infrastructure is a key priority. We just saw Illinois pass a massive, bipartisan transportation package in June as a part of the “Rebuild Illinois Plan,” which created new revenue for roads and bridges, as well as increased the vehicle registration fee and added an......

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Innovations in Seismology: Fiber Optics Help Maintain America’s Infrastructure

The  Seismological Society of America hosted a briefing on June 17 on fiber optic analyses, proving that using fiber optic analyses could be instrumental to the maintenance and safety of America’s infrastructure. Panelists included Herb Wang from the University of Wisconsin- Madison and Nate Lindsay from the University of California, Berkley, and they focused on......

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ASCE Says Farewell to Brian Pallasch After 20 Years

After two decades of energetic and skilled service to ASCE and the civil engineering profession, Brian Pallasch, who served as Managing Director of Government Relations and Infrastructure Initiatives, is leaving ASCE to take on his next professional challenge. His career journey takes him to Raleigh, North Carolina, where he will serve as the Executive Vice......

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Several High-Profile Disasters Bring A Renewed Focus on Resilient Infrastructure

The saying goes “April showers bring May flowers,” but here we are at the beginning of June – one day closer to summer vacation and the start of beach season,  and the April showers haven’t stopped. Flooding, along with a plethora of other natural disasters across the country, from Hurricanes Michael and Florence to the......

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