
Hurricane Ida Wreaks Havoc, but Louisiana’s Levees Hold Firm

Throughout New Orleans, Louisiana, residents are still beset with remnants of Hurricane Katrina 16 years after it made landfall, breaching New Orleans’ levees and ultimately devastating communities, leading to 1,800 deaths. On the 16th anniversary of the tragic storm, the very same region was besieged by Hurricane Ida, which reached winds of 150 miles per......

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Washington, D.C. Civil Engineers Give the District’s Infrastructure a “C” Grade

On Tuesday, the National Capital Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) released its 2021 Report Card for D.C.’s Infrastructure, the Section’s first report since 2016. D.C. civil engineers gave eight categories of infrastructure an overall grade of “C”, an improvement from the “C-“ grade given in the 2016 report and a slight......

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Treasury Provides Guidance on State and Local COVID-19 Aid

On Monday, the U.S. Department of the Treasury (Treasury) launched the  Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds  (CSLFRF) program. The program was first authorized under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). CSLFRF provides $350 billion in emergency funding for eligible state, local, territorial, and tribal governments to help turn the tide on the pandemic,......

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Licensure Bills Picking Up Steam in Statehouses

State legislatures across the country are in full swing and many are turning their attention to how they regulate professional licensure. The licensure reform movement has been active for several years, with its first significant success in 2019 when Arizona Governor Doug Ducey (R) signed into law the nation’s first universal recognition bill for licensed......

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Civil Engineers Give Ohio’s Infrastructure a “C-” in 2021 Infrastructure Report Card

On Thursday, the Ohio Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) released its 2021 Report Card for Ohio’s Infrastructure, the Section’s first report in more than a decade. Ohio civil engineers gave 16 categories of infrastructure an overall grade of “C-“, slightly ahead of the national average of “D+” given in 2017. Graded......

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Texas Civil Engineers Give the State’s Infrastructure a “C” Grade

On Wednesday, the Texas Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) released preliminary findings – including grades – from its 2021 Texas Infrastructure Report Card, the Section’s first report card since 2017. Texas civil engineers gave 12 categories of infrastructure an overall grade of “C”, an upgrade from its 2017 grade of “C-.”......

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Civil Engineers Give Utah’s Infrastructure a “C+”

On Wednesday, the Utah Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) released preliminary findings – including grades – from the 2020 Report Card for Utah’s Infrastructure, the Section’s first report card since 2015. Utah civil engineers gave 12 categories of infrastructure an overall grade of “C+”, tied only with Georgia for the highest......

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Civil Engineers Give West Virginia’s Infrastructure a “D” in 2020 Report Card

On Wednesday, the West Virginia Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) released the 2020 Report Card for West Virginia’s Infrastructure, the Section’s inaugural report card. West Virginia civil engineers gave five categories of infrastructure an overall grade of a ‘D,’ meaning the state’s infrastructure is in poor condition, with many elements approaching......

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Civil Engineers Give Maine’s Infrastructure a “C-” in 2020 Report Card

Maine civil engineers gave 16 categories of infrastructure a cumulative grade of a “C-,” meaning the state’s systems are just below mediocre condition. Civil engineers graded aviation (B), bridges (C-), dams (D+), drinking water (C), energy (C+), hazardous waste (D+), levees (C-), parks (C), ports (B-), rail (C+), roads (D), schools (C), solid waste (C-),......

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