Save America’s Infrastructure

Trust Fund Patches Won’t Patch Potholes

Just in time for the start of summer travel and construction season, the Highway Trust Fund received yet another short-term extension this week. Congress has “punted” once again on passing a long-term highway and transit funding solution until July 31, 2015. This short-term patch is just the latest of temporary solution over the past six......

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Congress Punts on Highway & Transit Improvements

To use a common football analogy, this week Congress decided to “punt” on finding a long-term highway and transit funding solution and reauthorizing federal surface transportation programs. In football, the purpose of punting is for a team to be in a better strategic position following a failed offensive effort. Congress might need to be reminded of this because......

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Infrastructure Needs Crescendo

With major delays on the DC metro during rush hour, two train derailments, and Arizona’s state report card release, 15 days until the Highway Trust Fund expires, Infrastructure Week highlighted the importance of investing in infrastructure through and a week of planned infrastructure awareness events and the unforeseen infrastructure problems. echo the pleas for a......

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We’re Telling You First — the Save America’s Infrastructure App Is Here!

While around these parts it’s infrastructure 24/7/365, national Infrastructure Week now in its third year is a great opportunity to highlight the importance of infrastructure to the economy and the great strides being made to prioritize investment and renewal into our roads, bridges, ports, water pipes and other infrastructure. As part of Infrastructure Week, today......

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Happy Infrastructure Week

Infrastructure Week is finally upon us. To kick off the week, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx are discussing the economic impact of our country’s deteriorating infrastructure systems at “America on the Move: Investing in America’s Economy” the morning of Monday, May 11 at 9:15 ET. Tune in to the webcast to hear......

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