Public Parks

Where do the 2020 Presidential Candidates Stand on Infrastructure?

As we inch closer to the caucuses, Democratic candidates are running out of time to release tangible policy solutions which focus on the issues that are most critical to the majority of Americans. One of those issues, which 90 percent of Americans support, continues to be the condition of our nation’s infrastructure. So far, four......

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SMART Infrastructure Act Puts Public Safety At Risk

Bipartisan legislation is hard to come by these days in Congress, which is why the Sustainable Municipal Access to Resilient Technology in Infrastructure, or SMART Act, may look good at first glance, however; this bill could do more harm than good in terms of moving America’s infrastructure into the 21st century. Engineers design, build, and......

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Congress Averts Shutdown Approving Sweeping Spending Deal

In the midst of the political turmoil and tensions on Capitol Hill and the deadline to fund the government looms, Congress simultaneously reached a bipartisan $1.4 trillion spending package that funds the government through September 2020. This spending package includes core infrastructure programs for fiscal year (FY) 2020. Congressional leadership developed two ‘minibuses’ (H.R. 1865......

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Infrastructure & Science Funding Bills Move Through House Committees

The House Appropriations Committee was hard at work addressing infrastructure and science education this week, which is perfect timing after last week’s nation-wide Infrastructure Week push. The committee passed bills to set aside funding for a number of infrastructure categories including water, energy, and national parks, while the House Appropriations Transportation, Housing and Urban Development......

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Infrastructure Week: #BuildForTomorrow

The mood this Infrastructure Week was optimistic, with the timing perfectly sandwiched between two important meetings: the April 30th discussion between Democratic leaders in Congress and President Trump to discuss a $2 trillion investment solution and a scheduled next week to discuss funding solutions for this plan. Excitement was in the air from the DMV to Texas,......

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U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Hears Infrastructure Investment Priorities

There’s more blooming this spring than just flowers; so are discussions in the House and Senate on infrastructure investment. This week, the U.S. House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee held a Members’ Day Hearing  as an opportunity for all Members of the U.S. House of Representatives to discuss their infrastructure investment priorities before the Committee. Lawmakers......

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ASCE Gives Thanks for Infrastructure Successes

It’s that time of the year again – turkey, time off work to be with family and friends, and traveling headaches due to crowded airports and traffic on the highways. This week, millions of people around the country are traveling by way of plane, car, train, or bus to visit their loved ones near and......

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Congress Returns: ASCE’s Lame-Duck To-Do List

When Congress returns on Tuesday, November 21, they face a post-election “lame-duck” session, facing a funding deadline to prevent a partial government shutdown and other lingering issues. Additionally, both parties are conducting leadership elections this week, parts of which will linger into weeks ahead. Party leadership, new Committee Chairs, and Ranking Members will all need......

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National Park Service Celebrates Engineers Week with an Aqueduct Restoration Project that Connects NPS Engineers with our Nation’s First Engineer

This week is National Engineers Week, which celebrate how engineers make a difference in our world. This is a guest post by David Engelstad, P.E, who works for the National Park Service. In the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card, parks received a grade of ‘D+.’ What better construction project can you be assigned to than one that connects......

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President’s State of Union Lays Out Infrastructure Vision

President Trump unveiled his much-anticipated infrastructure plan for the nation in his first State of the Union address last night, asking Congress to produce a bipartisan package that generates at least $1.5 trillion in investment. He put an emphasis on need for federal dollars to be leveraged by state and local government funding, as well......

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