Texans have an opportunity to increase their state transportation funding coffers when they go to the voting booth on November 4.
Proposition 1 is a statewide ballot measure that will dedicate a portion of the state’s oil and gas tax collections to the State Highway Fund. If the measure passes, $1.7 billion could be transferred to the fund in the first year alone. This would prove a significant step toward meeting the funding needs of many transportation projects.
The measure, a constitutional amendment, reads as follows:
“The constitutional amendment providing for the use and dedication of certain money transferred to the state highway fund to assist in the completion of transportation construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation projects, not to include toll roads.”
A “yes” vote will ensure a reliable source of transportation funding without the creation of new taxes, tolls or user fees. When you talk with a neighbor about the election, remember this:
✓ Designated funds can only be used for construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, and acquiring right-of-way for public roads.
✓ If approved by voters, 50% of the money currently destined for the state’s Economic Stabilization Fund, or Rainy Day Fund, would be redirected to the State Highway Fund.
✓ The proposition also calls for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to identify $100 million in savings to reduce long-term debt.
✓ Calls for the creation of a 10 person committee (5 State Senators, 5 State House members) to determine a “sufficient balance” for the Economic Stabilization Fund.
Ultimately, voting yes is choosing to invest in mobility for Texas and a stronger economy.
The measure is currently supported by the ASCE Texas Section in conjunction with the larger Move Texas Forward Coalition. Move Texas Forward is committed to improving Texas infrastructure and keeping roads capable of supporting the growth of the state. The coalition is made up of engineering societies and associations, Chambers of Commerce, transportation councils/coalitions, as well as oil and gas industry organizations.
While it will not solve all of Texas’ transportation funding challenges, making funds available to the State Highway Fund is just one step in the right direction for Texas. For this reason, ASCE encourages Texans to vote “yes” on Proposition 1 in November.