water infrastructure


2015 Federal Issues in Review

As civil engineers, ASCE works with federal lawmakers to pass legislation that will improve the nation’s “D+” infrastructure. In 2015, the federal government passed several notable pieces of legislation that will increase investment into our nation’s infrastructure and also prepare the next generation of civil engineers through STEM education. Here’s a review of the accomplishments.......

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Water Infrastructure Tested as Transportation Funding Deadline Approaches

Flash floods, water main breaks and lingering damage from dam failures in South Carolina due to flooding have drenched the news headlines this week. Meanwhile, on Capitol Hill, the House is scrambling to come up with a plan for reauthorizing the surface transportation bill before the Oct. 29 deadline. Yesterday, the House Committee on Transportation......

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leaking pipe of drinking water

Transit and Water Needs Capture Media Attention

With the Pope making his way across our northeastern cities, the topic of traffic congestion was a popular one, highlighting our nation’s transportation needs. The Onion even joked that the Pope even tried to improve the nation’s ailing infrastructure. While not directly related to the Pope’s visit, this week in D.C., the subway system suffered......

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broken subway tracks

Water main breaks, power outage and a thinning hourglass for federal highway funds

Water main breaks, potholes and power outages are all results of underinvestment in infrastructure. Infrastructure is interconnected and greatly impacts our daily lives and national economy. The highway and transit policy and expires 51 days from today so it is critical that Congress act quickly to find a sustainable, long-term funding solution. Aging water infrastructure......

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Budgets Represent Priorities

  This week the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate majorities unveiled their fiscal year 2016 (FY16) budgets. Traditionally, passing a budget in Congress is a particularly partisan endeavor with most all members in the majority voting in favor of their budget, and all the minority members voting against it. Should this Congress......

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This Week in Infrastructure: Water Infrastructure Incurs More Attention

Amidst the visible need for highway, bridge and pothole repairs, we often forget the growing needs of our nation’s water infrastructure. According to ASCE’s Report Card, there are 240,000 water main breaks per year and trillions of gallons of water are lost each year due to “leaky pipes, broken water mains and faulty meters.” Cities throughout......

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This Week in Infrastructure: State Solutions, Innovations for Infrastructure Improvement

  A bus tour sharing the message we need to invest in infrastructure to “Grow America”, increased momentum towards state-level gas tax increases and new transportation innovations are all building momentum towards improving our nation’s infrastructure. On Wednesday morning in Los Angeles a water main broke that was installed in 1926, causing flooding and damage to nearby......

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This Week in Infrastructure: The Cascading Effect of Aging Infrastructure

  As the weather changes and our infrastructure continues to be neglected, issues and disruptions are increasing. Infrastructure collapses, like the water main break in DC, remind us that failing infrastructure is fragile and unpredictable—and should be continuously maintained to help prevent a crisis. On Tuesday in Washington, D.C., a 12-inch water main ruptured below......

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This Week in Infrastructure: Getting Infrastructure Projects Moving Through the Ballot Box

With Election Day around the corner, ballot initiatives related to infrastructure will give voters a chance to help shape our nation’s future. The economic, environmental and public safety issues on each state’s ballots underscore ASCE’s strategic initiative: improving our nation’s infrastructure. Infrastructure is the backbone of our economy. The roads and bridges we drive on,......

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