
A Jack-O-Lantern School Modernization

After a devastating fire, the 100 year-old rebuild of Whatcom Middle School in Bellingham, Washington, is a great story of a jack-o-lantern school modernization. Changing the school from the inside-out, Whatcom now has all the modern conveniences of a new school and (even better) the seismic upgrades to make it resilient to the next earthquake,......

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House Freight Panel Comes Out With New Report

The Panel on 21st Century Freight Transportation, established by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in April to examine the current state of freight transportation in the United States and how improving freight transportation can strengthen the U.S. economy, released its final report and recommendations yesterday. The special panel, led by Chairman John Duncan Jr. (R-TN)......

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ASCE Hails Passage of Water Resources Reform and Development Act as Linchpin in Modernizing Nation’s Ports, Inland Waterways, Dams and Levees

Washington, D.C. — The following is a statement from Randall (Randy) S. Over, P.E., F.ASCE, president of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), regarding the passage of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act by the U.S. House of Representatives: “The American Society of Civil Engineers applauds the bipartisan passage of the Water Resources......

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New National Geographic Event Offers Opportunity to Reexamine Electric Grid

On October 27th, the National Geographic Channel presents American Blackout, a two-hour programming event that imagines the first two weeks immediately following a catastrophic blackout from a cyber-attack on the United States that takes down the power grid. This movie should serve as a stark reminder about the importance of our electric grid. At ASCE,......

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Infrastructure This Week

The government shutdown continues to loom over our nation’s infrastructure, causing uncertainty, hurting key services, and further showing the costs of Congressional intransigence. Much like the government itself, our infrastructure has to get out of the short-term mindset, and start planning for long-term growth. Only then will we find success. The good news is businesses......

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Government Shutdown Highlights U.S. Inability to Solve Big Problems as Gas Tax Reaches 20th Anniversary

Reston, Va. — The following is a statement from Gregory E. DiLoreto, P.E., P.L.S, D.WRE, president of The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), regarding the current government shutdown and the 20th anniversary of the last federal gas tax increase: “Today marks the 20th anniversary since the federal gas tax was last raised to 18.4......

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State Leaders KEEP looking at transportation funding solutions

This year we’ve seen policymakers at the state level take the lead on tackling the issue of infrastructure funding as several states moved to increase gas taxes (Massachusetts, Maryland, Vermont, Virginia, and Wyoming).  And, this week state leaders are in Kansas City at the Council of State Governments (CSG) National Conference discussing a variety of......

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