infrastructure investment

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Special Sessions Tackle State Infrastructure Needs

With summer upon us, many state legislators are finding themselves stuck in “summer school” in order to hammer out bills to address growing infrastructure needs. With the exception of a few states who meet year-round, most state legislatures will convene anywhere from 60 to 100 days.  Unfortunately, this year many of states with short sessions......

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Capitol Hill Buzzing with Infrastructure Funding Proposals

Between President Obama addressing infrastructure needs in his State of the Union Address, the Virginia Report Card release and additional infrastructure funding legislation being proposed at the federal level, ASCE is optimistic that a long-term, sustainable funding solution for our nation’s infrastructure is within grasp. As both parties of Congress struggle to agree on how......

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This Week in Infrastructure: All the Reasons to Fix the Trust Fund

Reports on transportation investment and its overall benefits to the economy provide incentive for Congress to #FixTheTrustFund as state lawmakers make their own push for infrastructure investment. On Tuesday, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) released the 2015 Bottom Line Report, which thoroughly evaluated......

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Maximizing the Investment in Transportation Projects

ASCE teamed with the Eno Center for Transportation to author Maximizing the Value of Investments Using Life Cycle Cost Analysis. The report, released yesterday at a Capitol Hill briefing, surveyed industry practitioners and policymakers on their current use of life cycle cost analysis (LCCA), and their beliefs on what role it should play in the......

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Missourians Reject Sales Tax for Infrastructure

On August 5 Missouri voters defeated a measure that would have established a dedicated infrastructure fund from revenue earned through three-quarters of a cent sales tax increase.  Constitutional Amendment 7 was dismissed in a 59% to 41% vote. “We are very disappointed in the result, but the people have spoken and we respect that.” Stephen......

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Infrastructure Is the Missing Ingredient to Healthy School Lunches

The Kids’ Safe and Healthful Foods Project lead by The Pew Charitable Trusts and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation released a report this December titled, Serving Healthy School Meals: U.S. Schools Need Updated Kitchen Equipment.  They found that 55% of school food authorities (SFAs) need kitchen infrastructure changes at one or more schools to meet......

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Obama Expands On Infrastructure Proposals

President Obama last week provided more detailson his infrastructure plans that were first mentioned during the State of the Union address. The administration released a fact sheet that offers some specifics, however many of the details will still have to wait until the President releases his budget proposal in a few weeks. The announcement this......

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The Big Picture on Infrastructure Investment

With our final report in the Failure to Act series released this week, we saw the big picture consequences of failing to invest in our nation’s infrastructure. With this report, ASCE set out to answer this key question: What is impact on America’s economic future if we do not invest in our infrastructure today? With......

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