infrastructure investment

holiday traffic

New Jersey Must Fix the Transportation Trust Fund

Legislators in both chambers worked in a bipartisan manner to address the looming insolvency of New Jersey’s Transportation Trust Fund (TTF) just before the July 1st deadline. The TTF is the account from which the state pays for maintenance, repairs and construction for transportation infrastructure. As introduced by Senators Paul Sarlo (D-Bergen) and Steve Oroho......

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blue map of usa

State Legislatures Focus on Infrastructure and Professional Practice Issues

While infrastructure issues have remained at the forefront of 2016 state legislative debates, the activity seen during this session is much less impressive than the 2015 legislative season. However, in addition to tackling the question of infrastructure, some states have lumped in professional practice issues like “qualifications based selection” (QBS) as they contemplate their budgets......

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group photo in front of construction

2015 State Government Relations Year in Review

2015 once again proved that states are where the action is! Gavel to gavel, ASCE kept a watchful eye on legislative sessions in all 50 states, worked on ballot initiatives in 4 states, and travelled coast to coast educating members on how to engage elected officials, and reaching out to legislators to spread the message......

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Infrastructure in the News: Innovation and Investment

With one week left until the House and Senate must negotiate on a compromise between the two pending transportation bills, the DRIVE Act and the Surface Transportation Reauthorization & Reform Act (STRRA), our infrastructure’s future continues to take center stage. ASCE and a group of 39 other transportation groups and unions wrote a letter to......

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infrastructure with a check mark

Voters say “Yes” to Infrastructure on Nov. 3

Although 2015 may be an “off” election year, many states still held elections on critical issues.  While some voted for Governor, state legislators and mayor, voters in Louisiana, Maine, and Texas were asked to make important decisions about the future of their state’s infrastructure. Transportation was the theme of this year’s ballot measure and......

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surface transportation reauthorization and reform act of 2015

New Highway Bill Proposed; Nation’s Patience Wearing Thin

With just six days left until MAP-21’s expiration, all eyes are looking to the U.S. House to pass a long-term surface transportation bill. Yet, even if they do so by next week, another extension of MAP-21 will be necessary in order to iron out differences between the House and Senate-passed bills. Earlier this week, the......

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