gas tax

Say “No” to Aging Infrastructure Massachusetts: Vote “No” on Question 1!

A statewide ballot question that would eliminate gas tax indexing will appear on the November ballot. The passage of Question 1 would be a step backward for the state, causing roads and bridges to fall into further disrepair. The Boston Society of Civil Engineers Section has endorsed the Committee for Safer Roads and Bridges campaign......

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21-Year-Old Gas Tax Rate Still Holding Up America’s Roads & Bridges

The following is a statement from Randall (Randy) S. Over, P.E., F.ASCE, president of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), regarding the 21st anniversary of the last federal gas tax increase: “Today the federal gas tax’s 18.4-cent rate turns 21. While this is a rite of passage for American college students, this milestone is......

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Summer Travel Boom as Americans Hit the Road

After being cooped up inside for what was in some parts of the country the coldest and snowiest winter on record, it appears based upon latest data from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) that Americans traveled on our roadways in force this spring and early summer. Vehicle miles traveled (VMT), a common measure of roadway......

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This Week in Infrastructure: Get Noisier!

After Congress hit the snooze button on fixing the Highway Trust Fund last week, Transportation Secretary Foxx asked Americans to “get a little noisier” on the issue. You can take Sec. Foxx up on his request at Newspapers across the country featured articles, op-eds, and letters to the editor voicing concerns about Congress’ punt......

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This Week in Infrastructure: The House Approves a Highway Trust Fund Patch

On Tuesday, the House of Representatives passed a short-term bill to keep the Highway Trust Fund up and running until May 2015. While Democrats were hesitant about the proposal, ultimately the bill passed with bipartisan support, 367-55. In a statement commenting on its passage, ASCE reiterated the need for a long-term, sustainable funding solution. A......

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This Week in Infrastructure: A Highway Trust Fund Patch Proposal

With Highway Trust Fund insolvency just nine weeks away, Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden offered a $9 billion plan as a short-time fix. If passed, this six-month funding proposal would give Congress time to find a long-term, sustainable funding source for the Highway Trust Fund. However, not all members are pleased with the option of......

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New Congressional Proposal Offers Gas Tax Increase Tied to Inflation

We saw some encouraging movement from the Hill today on transportation. Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) are floating a plan to increase the gas tax twice by increments of six cents, and then index the gas tax to inflation so it’s a sustainable revenue source. Here’s a statement from ASCE President Randall......

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