2024 Maine Infrastructure Report Card
2024 Report Card GPA: C
The 2024 Report Card for Maine’s Infrastructure marks the fifth evaluation of its kind, climbing to an overall grade of C this year. The Maine Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (Maine Section ASCE) analyzed fundamental components of each infrastructure area: Condition, Capacity, Operations & Maintenance, Innovation, Resiliency, Public Safety, Funding, and Future Needs. Of the 16 categories, only three infrastructure categories are in good condition (B or B-), nine categories ranged in the fair to mediocre range (C+, C or C-), and four categories were in poor condition (D+ or D). Five areas are struggling due to age and lack of attention, while the others are seeing improvements or holding steady through dedicated investments such as one-time infusions of state and federal funds, federal grants, private funds, and user fees.
In 2024, 41 ASCE infrastructure leaders and industry experts volunteered countless hours to review publicly available data and provide an overview of the state of infrastructure in Maine. The team analyzed the current conditions and needs to assign a simple A to F letter grade to 16 infrastructure categories. The maintenance and improvement of Maine’s infrastructure is vital to our economy, health, safety, security, and environmental sustainability. Decisions regarding public infrastructure, which are paid for through user fees, taxes, and private investments, must be guided by long-term comprehensive planning, with sustainable and reliable funding sources.
The Report Card for Maine’s Infrastructure aims to raise public awareness of the importance of modern and well-maintained infrastructure. It highlights that Maine’s infrastructure requires ongoing maintenance and strategic planning. We believe discussing the issues detailed in this Report Card will lead to a greater understanding of our state’s current and future needs, encouraging community leaders, the state legislature, and our congressional delegation to formulate policies and provide the necessary funding to address these critical infrastructure needs. Civil engineering is a broad field dealing with the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and management of infrastructure networks and the resulting vitality and safety of the public. The Maine Section of ASCE represents over 700 civil engineering professionals who live and work in Maine.
To read about how each category of infrastructure scored, keep scrolling or read the Report Card for Maine’s Infrastructure Executive Summary.