On November 4, Wisconsin voters will be asked to decide how the state can spend its transportation dollars. Question 1 will appear on the ballot statewide and if passed, will ensure that revenue allocated to the Transportation Trust Fund will not get transferred in to the state’s general fund.
A vote “for” will ensure a reliable source of transportation funding without the creation of new taxes, tolls or user fees. It will also change the state of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation from a statutory agency to one provided for by the state’s constitution.
Prevent the diversion of Wisconsin’s transportation funding for non-transportation purposes. When going to the polls on November 4, remember this:
- A “lock box” will be created ensuring funds will be deposited into the Transportation Fund and only be able to be used for transportation-related purposes.
- All taxes and fees related to motor vehicles, aircraft, and railroads collected after December 31, 2010 would now be deposited into the Transportation Trust.
- The measure will elevate the Department of Transportation from a statutory agency to a constitutional agency.
- The measure does not create additional taxes or user fees.
Up to now, transportation dollars have often been transferred into the general fund to invest in non-transportation projects. These funds have never been paid back preventing the state from investing in much needed maintenance and improvements.
While it is not the answer to all of Wisconsin’s infrastructure revenue needs, vote “yes” to put Wisconsin back on track by “locking up” the Transportation Trust. This midterm election, voters in several states have the opportunity to ensure funding for transportation is designated, including in Maryland.