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Link to Post:">Continuing Resolution Puts Transportation Funds At Risk

Continuing Resolution Puts Transportation Funds At Risk

Congress will need to pass another continuing resolution (CR) before March 27 to keep the federal government funded. The House last week passed a continuing resolution which shorts transportation programs by more than $700 million. The House CR does not incorporate the carefully achieved consensus on transportation funding found in MAP-21.  These cuts from MAP-21......

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Link to Post:">Another Win for ASCE State Legislative Efforts

Another Win for ASCE State Legislative Efforts

Last week we highlighted a win for ASCE in Wisconsin and brought up the possibility of success in Virginia. Well, last Saturday, February 23, the Virginia General Assembly ended it’s annual session with passage of a sweeping transportation deal.  On the last day of the session, the Senate gave its blessing to a plan that......

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Link to Post:">Obama Expands On Infrastructure Proposals

Obama Expands On Infrastructure Proposals

President Obama last week provided more detailson his infrastructure plans that were first mentioned during the State of the Union address. The administration released a fact sheet that offers some specifics, however many of the details will still have to wait until the President releases his budget proposal in a few weeks. The announcement this......

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Link to Post:">ASCE contributes to legislative success in Wisconsin. Will Virginia be next?

ASCE contributes to legislative success in Wisconsin. Will Virginia be next?

Last week ASCE sent a Key Alert to its members in Wisconsin urging passage of legislation that would allow an amendment to the state constitution to protect transportation funding.  The passed measure, Assembly Joint Resolution (AJR) 2, allows the citizens of Wisconsin to vote on amending the state constitution to protect transportation funds intended for......

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Link to Post:">Delaney Enters the Innovative Financing Fray

Delaney Enters the Innovative Financing Fray

Freshman Member of Congress, John Delaney (D-MD), recently announced that he will be introducing an which would create the Office of Infrastructure Investment and the American Infrastructure Fund. The proposal would develop a large scale financing mechanism for transportation, energy, communication, water, and educational infrastructure using a public-private partnership modal. According to Delaney the proposal......

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Link to Post:">U.S. Chamber Holds Infrastructure Summit

U.S. Chamber Holds Infrastructure Summit

The US Chamber of Commerce held a Transportation and Infrastructure Summit this last Wednesday. The event highlighted the need to invest in our nation’s infrastructure and the effects that those investments have on the economy. The day kicked off with opening remarks from US Chamber President, Tom Donahue, who pushed the need to establish a long......

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Link to Post:">The Federal Role in Infrastructure

The Federal Role in Infrastructure

The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee held a hearing on Wednesday to examine the federal role in infrastructure.  The hearing came the day after President Obama proclaimed in his State of the Union address that that nation must make a commitment to fix the infrastructure that we have. Chairman Shuster (R-PA) put together an A-list......

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Link to Post:">ASCE Statement on the President’s State of the Union Address

ASCE Statement on the President’s State of the Union Address

The following is a statement from Gregory E. DiLoreto, P.E., P.L.S, D.WRE, president of The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), regarding President Obama’s State of the Union address: “As stewards of our nation’s infrastructure, the American Society of Civil Engineers applauds President Obama’s efforts to improve our country’s ailing infrastructure and get America back......

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Link to Post:">The Big Picture on Infrastructure Investment

The Big Picture on Infrastructure Investment

With our final report in the Failure to Act series released this week, we saw the big picture consequences of failing to invest in our nation’s infrastructure. With this report, ASCE set out to answer this key question: What is impact on America’s economic future if we do not invest in our infrastructure today? With......

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Link to Post:">Driving Off the Fiscal Cliff

Driving Off the Fiscal Cliff

Congressional leaders and Obama Administration officials continued to meet behind closed doors the past several weeks in order to come to a compromise on the fiscal cliff. Many in Washington are speculating the possibility that the federal gas tax may be reexamined as a revenue option during discussions. Incoming House Transportation and Infrastructure Chairman Bill......

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