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Link to Post:">ASCE Attends National Conference of State Legislatures in Atlanta

ASCE Attends National Conference of State Legislatures in Atlanta

A few weeks ago I went down to Atlanta, GA to help ASCE participate in the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) annual Legislative Summit.  The meeting is the largest gathering of state legislators held each year and was attended by nearly 5,000 people. One of the things I did there was to exhibit at......

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Link to Post:">Senate Appropriations Committee Looking at Inland Waterways Funding

Senate Appropriations Committee Looking at Inland Waterways Funding

Senate appropriators are taking a look at overhauling the way that the federal government collects fees for the Inland Waterways Trust Fund. The committee is considering tossing out the current 20 cent diesel fuel tax, which brings in an estimated $170 million annually to pay for lock, dam, and dredging costs. As currently structured the......

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Link to Post:">ASCE President: Our nation’s infrastructure depends on public and private investment to thrive

ASCE President: Our nation’s infrastructure depends on public and private investment to thrive

On August 5, 2013, the Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed that argued against the merits of public investment in infrastructure. The following is a response from ASCE President Greg DiLoreto: Our nation’s infrastructure depends on public and private investment to thrive Larry Schweikart and Burton Folsom’s editorial (Obama’s False History of Public Investment, Aug.......

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Link to Post:">Shuster and Gibbs Announce Plans for House to Consider WRRDA

Shuster and Gibbs Announce Plans for House to Consider WRRDA

On Friday, House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-PA), along with Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment Chairman Bob Gibbs (R-OH), revealed that the Committee will review and consider WRRDA (no, that is not a typo – see below) when Congress returns from recess in September. According to Reps. Shuster and Gibbs, the......

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Link to Post:">House Appropriators Postpone Action on EPA Sending Bill to September

House Appropriators Postpone Action on EPA Sending Bill to September

After starting to write a spending bill for the Environmental Protection Agency for fiscal year 2014 this week, the House Appropriations Committee decided to delay final action on the controversial bill for more than a month. Committee members voted on several amendments this week and then recessed until September.  “With the number of amendments pending,......

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Link to Post:">I-35 W: Six Years After the Bridge Fell

I-35 W: Six Years After the Bridge Fell

On August 1, 2007, the I-35 W span over the Mississippi River collapsed, killing 13 people, injuring 145, and severing a vital lifeline for many towns. Only 382 days later, the bridge had been replaced and was open to traffic once again. Six years after this tragedy, the question remains whether we have done enough......

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Link to Post:">Obama Proposes Plan for Infrastructure Funding

Obama Proposes Plan for Infrastructure Funding

President Obama today gave another in his series of economic speeches at an Amazon distribution center in Tennessee to propose a cut in corporate tax rates in return for a commitment from Republicans to invest more in programs spurring middle-class jobs. As stewards of our nation’s infrastructure, the ASCE is encouraged by President Obama’s proposal to direct......

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Link to Post:">Chairman Boxer Holds Press Conference on Highway Trust Fund

Chairman Boxer Holds Press Conference on Highway Trust Fund

Thursday morning, Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chair Barbara Boxer held a press conference ( with members of the transportation and infrastructure community to highlight the impending insolvency of the Highway Trust Fund (HTF). Rob Victor, Chairman of ASCE’s Committee for America’s Infrastructure, spoke along with Senator Boxer and other industry representatives about the......

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Link to Post:">Can-Do States Who Tackle Infrastructure Are Just What the U.S. Economy Needs

Can-Do States Who Tackle Infrastructure Are Just What the U.S. Economy Needs

Sometimes you just have to do it yourself. That’s the message some states seem to be sending as federal infrastructure bills like the Water Resources Development Act keep getting sidelined by Congress or only seeing short-term efforts like the MAP-21 Transportation Reauthorization. The Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings has called these states that have decidedly......

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Link to Post:">Highway Trust Fund: Running on Empty

Highway Trust Fund: Running on Empty

…..Tuesday morning, the House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit met to discuss the status of the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) and the effects its impending insolvency would have on transportation projects nationwide. As it stands, the HTF receives almost 90% of its revenue from taxes on motor fuels. As CAFE standards increase the number of......

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