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Link to Post:">Blumenauer Proposes Gas Tax Increase

Blumenauer Proposes Gas Tax Increase

Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) has introduced legislation that would incrementally raise the 18.4-cents-per-gallon federal gas tax to 33.4 cents-per-gallon.  Blumenauer’s proposal, the Update, Promote, and Develop America’s Transportation Essentials (UPDATE) Act, increases the gas tax by 15 cents, which is in line with a proposal that was included in the 2011 Simpson-Bowles budget reform recommendations.......

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Link to Post:">On Infrastructure, Funding is the Challenge

On Infrastructure, Funding is the Challenge

In a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Philip Howard, of the small-government reform group Common Good, said that when it comes to U.S. infrastructure, “funding is not the challenge.” Where to begin? Funding is an immense, complicated, and ever-changing challenge facing our country’s roads, bridges, water systems, dams, and other infrastructure. Our inability......

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Link to Post:">ASCE Gives Thanks

ASCE Gives Thanks

This Thursday, families across the country will sit down and give thanks for good fortunes they’ve encountered this past year. Members of our office and the infrastructure community in general have reason to be thankful for a great many things that occurred this past year or exist as a part of America’s infrastructure as a......

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Link to Post:">California DOT Issues Proposal Rule for Fracking

California DOT Issues Proposal Rule for Fracking

With vast reserves of hydrocarbon energy trapped deep under its surface, the state of California is getting ready to oversee the exploration for and recovery of the nation’s largest supply of oil and natural gas from shale fields.  The California Department of Conservation (DOC) has issued a proposed rule that would govern the petroleum industry’s......

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Link to Post:">House Agrees to Conference

House Agrees to Conference

The House agreed by unanimous consent to go to conference with the Senate on the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (HR 3080) last Thursday. Shortly after agreeing to go to conference Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY) introduced a motion to instruct conferees on the National Dam Safety Program reauthorization.  The motion to instruct conferees......

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Link to Post:">America’s Infrastructure Crisis Isn’t Overstated

America’s Infrastructure Crisis Isn’t Overstated

When a doctor tells you that you are sick, you should probably stay home. When a contractor tells you that your roof is caving in, you should probably move out. When the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) tells our country that our infrastructure rates a D+, you should probably ask how we can raise......

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Link to Post:">Public Opinion Shows Americans Open to Bus Rapid Transit

Public Opinion Shows Americans Open to Bus Rapid Transit

Our friends at HNTB recently conducted their latest America THINKS survey, which polled a random nationwide sample of 1,127 Americans. The conclusion:  Americans are open to new approaches to public transportation, such as bus rapid transit. But what is ‘bus rapid transit’? Simply, it is a new way of thinking about community bus service. According......

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Link to Post:">EPA Reports on the Importance of Water to the U.S. Economy

EPA Reports on the Importance of Water to the U.S. Economy

This week, the Environmental Protection Agency released a new report titled “The Importance of Water to the U.S. Economy.” The report concludes that, as a nation, we do not currently reflect water’s true worth in the economy. A great example is the fact that communities across the country are low-balling the cost of clean, safe tap......

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Link to Post:">Infrastructure Investment Wins at the Ballot Box!

Infrastructure Investment Wins at the Ballot Box!

Yesterday voters in Maine and Texas both affirmed ballot resolutions resulting in increased investment in their local infrastructure. In Maine voters overwhelming approved Bond Question 3, 72% in favor to 28% opposed.  Bond Question 3 gives permission to the State to borrow $100 million to fund transportation projects around the state which in turn would......

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Link to Post:">Airline Safety Gets a Dance

Airline Safety Gets a Dance

The new Virgin Safety Dance sings like a chart topper making its safety message loud and clear.  Virgin is doing their part to keep safety a priority, using their music video roots to keep us entertained and safe. Say goodbye to videos of the past and say hello to the new way to communicate a......

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