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Link to Post:">Senate Finance Crosses Finish Line

Senate Finance Crosses Finish Line

The Senate Finance Committee put the last puzzle piece in place last night when they voted the revenue portions of S. 1813, MAP-21, out of committee. The committee voted 17-6, with four Republicans voting with Democrats, in order to complete the last step before the legislation could reach the Senate floor. Senators will now vote......

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Link to Post:">Mass Transit Funding Now in Jeopardy with House Transportation Bill

Mass Transit Funding Now in Jeopardy with House Transportation Bill

Not long after we posted about promising developments with the House surface transportation reauthorization bill, the story took a startling turn. It was announced that the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee is proposing to divert $25 billion in dedicated fuels tax revenues from the Mass Transit Account as part of the American Energy and......

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Link to Post:">A Promising Week for Transportation Legislation

A Promising Week for Transportation Legislation

It’s been a whirlwind week in Washington, D.C. for transportation as both the House and the Senate try to build momentum to pass much-needed reauthorization bills. The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee unveiled their American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act (H.R. 7) on Tuesday at a press conference outside the U.S. Capitol Building on an unusually warm......

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Link to Post:">An ASCE Take on the State of the Union

An ASCE Take on the State of the Union

The President will be speaking before a Joint session of Congress and the American people tonight to discuss the State of the Union. The first State of the Union was delivered by President George Washington in January 1790 and since then has become a vehicle for a sitting President to outline his legislative agenda for......

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Link to Post:">Louisiana Section’s PR Campaign Sets a Great Example

Louisiana Section’s PR Campaign Sets a Great Example

We are repeating this post because we thought the information would also be of interest to the readers of this blog. It was first posted on Friday, January 20th, 2012 As the Louisiana Section was gearing up to release its first state Report Card this month, members realized that spreading the word of their findings......

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Link to Post:">Candidates, Citizens, and the Media Paying Greater Attention to Infrastructure …

Candidates, Citizens, and the Media Paying Greater Attention to Infrastructure …

As we start the new year, there has been an increased national focus on campaigns and elections, from the presidential race, to congressional elections and state elections. Whatever the source of news coverage, you’ve likely noticed the saturation of coverage on debates, speeches, town halls, and Sunday morning news hours that revolve......

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Link to Post:">ASCE Releases Economic Study on Nation’s Water Infrastructure

ASCE Releases Economic Study on Nation’s Water Infrastructure

ASCE is releasing a report today identifying the long-term consequences to the nation’s economy from failing to invest today in our aging drinking water and wastewater infrastructure. The report is the second in a four part series of economic studies assessing the impacts of continued underinvestment in the nation’s infrastructure systems. The report, Failure......

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Link to Post:">Romans and Roads

Romans and Roads

Since the beginning of our current economic downturn, pundits and armchair historians alike have compared the modern United States to the Roman Empire shortly before its decline. I usually change the channel or flip to the next page when I read such headlines, because to put it plainly – the US is not Rome. I......

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Link to Post:">Senate Committee is “Moving Ahead for Progress”

Senate Committee is “Moving Ahead for Progress”

The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee released their long awaited two year surface transportation authorization bill this week. The bill, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century or MAP-21, maintains current levels of investment plus inflation for fiscal years 2012 and 2013, while making significant reforms to the current program. The full Senate......

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Link to Post:">President Continues Push for Infrastructure Investment

President Continues Push for Infrastructure Investment

In 1947, the home of Francis Scott Key, author of the “Star Spangled Banner”, was set to be demolished after several unsuccessful bids to restore it by the historic community of Georgetown. The home of the poet and patriot was eventually leveled, but after many years the Francis Scott Key Bridge was erected to span......

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