Browse Gamechangers:Clear

Amtrak’s New Acela Improves Efficiency, Speed

America’s fastest train just got even faster. Amtrak’s Acela train has increased its speed by 10 miles an hour – up to 160 mph — which is expected to trim 15 minutes off a trip between D.C. and Boston. Additionally, the new trains can carry 380 passengers, 25% more than current fleets, while using 20% less energy. The $2.4 billion modernization effort continued throughout the pandemic, keeping much-needed jobs alive during the crisis. These upgrades will help with a more efficient economy, getting more passengers to their destination in faster times, but will also allow Amtrak to be more climate-friendly due to less energy consumption. Amtrak has also redesigned airflow throughout the trains to address concerns of the coronavirus lingering in the air.

Photo courtesy of Amtrak.
autonomous shuttle service
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