Support improved mobility and a reduction in road congestion by voting to “approve” Question 6 on November 4th.
Rhode Island voters will be asked to invest in transit improvements to make travel, and commuting, easier. Passing this measure will allow the State of Rhode Island to issue bonds and notes to fund enhancements and renovations to mass transit hub infrastructure throughout the State of Rhode Island to improve access to multiple intermodal sites, key transportation, healthcare, and other locations.
This new vision for travel in Rhode Island would benefit not only the system’s current users but also attract a new generation of users who value transportation choice and convenience. Ultimately, reliable transportation and livable, walkable communities are needs that all Rhode Islanders can relate to; our families, our industries, and our economy depend on them. On Tuesday, remember these key facts about Question 6:
✓ It increases the accessibility of transportation, increasing access to health care facilities and other locations.
✓ Improved mass transit will reduce congestion on our roads, making commutes quick and safer
✓ Funding will allow Rhode Island to leverage infrastructure funding from federal and private partners.
✓ Improvement to the transit system will lead to more jobs and economic development.
Rhode Island deserves a 21st Century mass transit system. Create job opportunities and increase economic development by passing Question 6!