
Iowa Infrastructure GPA Improves to a C

The Iowa Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers released the 2019 Report Card for Iowa’s Infrastructure yesterday. Twelve categories, including aviation, bridges, dams, drinking water, energy, inland waterways, levees, parks, rail, roads, solid waste and wastewater were included in this iteration. The last Report Card for Iowa’s Infrastructure was released in 2015, and......

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Senate Commerce Examines America’s Infrastructure Needs

On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation examined the opportunities for infrastructure improvement, including federal funding, financing programs, and permitting and regulatory streamlining at a hearing entitled, “America’s Infrastructure Needs: Keeping Pace with a Growing Economy.” The testimony the witnesses provided before the full committee hearing focused on the committee’s role......

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vermont infrastructure 2019 report card

The Grades are In: Vermont’s Infrastructure GPA a “C”

The 2019 Report Card for Vermont’s Infrastructure was published today by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Nine categories of infrastructure – aviation, bridges, dams, drinking water, energy, roads, solid waste, stormwater and wastewater – earned cumulative GPA of a “C.” While the overall GPA was the same as what the state earned in 2014,......

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Kentucky Grades its Infrastructure: State Earns a “C-”

The ASCE Kentucky Section released its 2019 Report Card for Kentucky’s Infrastructure, giving the state a “C-.”  Civil engineers examined the state’s aviation (C+), bridges (C-), dams (D+), drinking water (C+), energy (B-), hazardous waste (D), levees (D+), roads (D+), solid waste (B-), and wastewater (C-).The Report Card was released at a press conference in......

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2019 Report Card for Washington’s Infrastructure: State earns an overall grade of a “C”; Transportation Grades Improve

This morning, the Inland Empire, Seattle, and Tacoma-Olympia Sections of the American Society of Civil Engineers released the 2019 Report Card for Washington’s Infrastructure. Nine categories received an overall grade of a “C,” which is the same grade the state received in 2013. Despite the overall unchanging GPA, several categories saw significant progress.. Transportation infrastructure......

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Government Shutdown Negatively Impacts Our Infrastructure

The partial government shutdown, triggered by the dispute over President Trump’s proposed border wall with Mexico, has entered its 19th day. Unfortunately, the shutdown is directly impacting infrastructure projects across the country. Many key federal agencies responsible for our nation’s infrastructure are not fully operational, which affects our nation’s roads, bridges, parks, and transit systems,......

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A Look Back: 2018 at ASCE

With infrastructure making its way to back up to the top of peoples’ minds, 2018 was a busy year for ASCE Government Relations! ASCE released 12 state infrastructure report cards; advocated for and passed a number of federal bills, including the passage of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reauthorization bill and the Water Resources Development......

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Nevada’s Infrastructure Grades Improve

Today, Nevada civil engineers released the  Nevada 2018 Infrastructure Report Card Las Vegas City Hall. Twelve categories of infrastructure earned an overall grade of a “C,” advancing from a “C-” in 2014. Among the category grade boosts was aviation, which went from a “C-” to a “C,” bridges, moving up from a “C-” to a......

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Secretary Chao and Lawmakers to Announce 2018 BUILD Grants

On Tuesday, U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) Secretary Elaine Chao announced $1.5 billion worth of Build Utilizing Investments to leverage Development (BUILD) transportation grants. She was joined by Senators Susan Collins (R-ME), and Jack Reed (D-RI), Congressmen Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) and David Price (D-NC), and Mayor Jamael Brown of Youngstown, Ohio at a US......

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Trump Administration Releases National Climate Assessment

The effects of climate change are now touching communities across the country. These effects include year-round flooding, more risks associated with future disasters, increasing ozone levels as temperatures are rising, and more states are taking proactive steps to adapt to climate change impacts. Required by law, scientists in the Trump Administration last week released the......

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