
Thirteen States Increase Their Gas Tax – Just in Time for Summer

Across the country, many states are proving that funding and modernizing infrastructure is a key priority. We just saw Illinois pass a massive, bipartisan transportation package in June as a part of the “Rebuild Illinois Plan,” which created new revenue for roads and bridges, as well as increased the vehicle registration fee and added an......

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ASCE Members in Alaska and Montana Testify on Infrastructure Investment

Last weekend, ASCE members testified on the need for infrastructure investment in Alaska as a response to three hearings the Alaska House Finance Committee held in seven communities across the state. These hearings gave Alaskans the opportunity to respond to Gov. Mike Dunleavy’s proposed budget, which included deep cuts in areas from healthcare to the Alaska......

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New Report Affirms Higher Gas Tax is Needed to Restore Our Interstates

On Thursday, December 6, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Committee for a Study of the Future Interstate Highway System, and the Transportation Research Board (TRB) released a congressionally mandated report, “Renewing the National Commitment to the Interstate Highway System: A Foundation for the Future.” Norman R. Augustine, formerly of Lockheed Martin Corporation,......

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Montana Infrastructure Earns a “C”

Today, civil engineers in Montana released the 2018 Report Card for Montana’s Infrastructure at the State Capitol. Montana earned an overall grade of a “C,” meaning the state’s infrastructure systems are generally in mediocre condition. The Report Card graded ten categories: bridges, drinking water, dams, energy, rail, roads, schools, solid waste, stormwater, and wastewater. Rail......

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A Look Back: 2017 at ASCE

Between the release of the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card, the implementation of a gas tax in states across the country, and waiting for President Trump’s highly-anticipated infrastructure plan, 2017 has been a full year for ASCE. Take a look at our 5 most read blog posts from 2017: 1. Legislation to Create National Infrastructure Bank Reintroduced......

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The Transportation of Tomorrow: Self-Driving Vehicles

General Motors, Alphabet Inc., and other innovators are racing to the finish line with the latest in transportation technology: autonomous vehicles. This week Florida, Montana, Wisconsin, and Minnesota made headlines for showing interest in this new technology, with some cities heading to the streets for a test-drive. Across the country, we are seeing what was......

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8 Things Worth Knowing About Montana’s C- Infrastructure

Montana’s Water Pipes Could Stretch From Billings to Miami – Roundtrip Montana has approximately 700 public water systems and over 5,300 miles of water distribution and transmission piping, a longer stretch than driving roundtrip from Billings to Miami. Some Pipes Under Original Montana Plots Might Be Original Too Some of the older and more established......

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