
Infrastructure Initiatives Supported at the Ballot Box

Despite the uncertainty surrounding the future of infrastructure funding in the 119th Congress and a second Trump administration, infrastructure performed incredibly well in state and local elections on November 5th. Across the United States, voters approved or renewed billions of dollars in funding. Below is a summary of some of the ballot infrastructure initiatives ASCE......

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Thirteen States Increase Their Gas Tax – Just in Time for Summer

Across the country, many states are proving that funding and modernizing infrastructure is a key priority. We just saw Illinois pass a massive, bipartisan transportation package in June as a part of the “Rebuild Illinois Plan,” which created new revenue for roads and bridges, as well as increased the vehicle registration fee and added an......

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Several High-Profile Disasters Bring A Renewed Focus on Resilient Infrastructure

The saying goes “April showers bring May flowers,” but here we are at the beginning of June – one day closer to summer vacation and the start of beach season,  and the April showers haven’t stopped. Flooding, along with a plethora of other natural disasters across the country, from Hurricanes Michael and Florence to the......

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Infrastructure Week: #BuildForTomorrow

The mood this Infrastructure Week was optimistic, with the timing perfectly sandwiched between two important meetings: the April 30th discussion between Democratic leaders in Congress and President Trump to discuss a $2 trillion investment solution and a scheduled next week to discuss funding solutions for this plan. Excitement was in the air from the DMV to Texas,......

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ASCE Gives California Infrastructure a C-

The 2019 Report Card for California’s Infrastructure, released this week, gave the golden state an overall grade of a “C-.” The state has made progress in recent years to close the infrastructure investment gap, but much work remains to prepare the infrastructure to support the state’s economy and preserve Californians quality of life. In 2017, California......

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New Report Affirms Higher Gas Tax is Needed to Restore Our Interstates

On Thursday, December 6, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Committee for a Study of the Future Interstate Highway System, and the Transportation Research Board (TRB) released a congressionally mandated report, “Renewing the National Commitment to the Interstate Highway System: A Foundation for the Future.” Norman R. Augustine, formerly of Lockheed Martin Corporation,......

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ASCE Gives Thanks for Infrastructure Successes

It’s that time of the year again – turkey, time off work to be with family and friends, and traveling headaches due to crowded airports and traffic on the highways. This week, millions of people around the country are traveling by way of plane, car, train, or bus to visit their loved ones near and......

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Infrastructure Proves to be Priority on Election Night

Infrastructure investment was again a prevailing theme on ballots in many states this past election season. The midterm election poised an opportunity for states to create new revenue streams as well as secure existing ones. Let’s recap what happened with infrastructure initiatives on state ballots: California rejected a repeal of the 10-cent gas tax increase......

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