Save America’s Infrastructure

Pandemic Slowing Clean Energy Jobs & Energy Efficiency Growth

ASCE’s recent COVID-19 Status Report notes that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing energy infrastructure challenges, delaying some investments in the short term and costing nearly half a million Americans working in renewable energy their jobs. According to a new analysis by BW Research Partnership, the clean energy sector has grown less than 1% over......

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Civil Engineers Give West Virginia’s Infrastructure a “D” in 2020 Report Card

On Wednesday, the West Virginia Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) released the 2020 Report Card for West Virginia’s Infrastructure, the Section’s inaugural report card. West Virginia civil engineers gave five categories of infrastructure an overall grade of a ‘D,’ meaning the state’s infrastructure is in poor condition, with many elements approaching......

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Legislative Successes, Members Making Headlines, Policy Reports, State Report Cards and More: ASCE Gives Thanks to Our Members

*Kevin Longley, Alexa Lopez, and Maria Matthews contributed to this blog  As 2020 comes to a close, ASCE Government Relations is thankful for its wonderful community of 150,000 members who work diligently to ensure the safety, efficiency, and modernization of our nation’s roads, bridges, drinking and wastewater systems, utilities, and more every day. The work......

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The International Coalition for Sustainable Infrastructure focuses on growth and COP26 at its first anniversary

One year ago, global leaders from mayors to civil engineers and engineering organizations joined forces to identify the biggest barriers to infrastructure adaptation and resilience, and to understand how the engineering community could act as a catalyst for action, which came to fruition as the International Coalition for Sustainable Infrastructure (ICSI). Leaders from across the......

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What does a Biden-Harris Administration Mean for Infrastructure?

The weeklong 2020 election marathon ended Saturday, November 7 when former Vice President Joe Biden was elected as the projected 46th president of the United States, with Senator Kamala Harris to serve as the next Vice President. This historic election took place at a pivotal moment in our nation’s history, with COVID-19 cases soaring across......

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Infrastructure Wins on the Ballot

While states still count votes to determine the Presidency and control of the Senate, what has become clear is that infrastructure investment remains a priority for voters. After some uncertainty over whether the COVID-19 pandemic would affect plans for infrastructure investment ballot measures, many states and localities did stick with their plans to bring many of these......

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Election 2020 and Beyond

With the election next week, Congress is starting to look to the lame duck session and the agenda for the 117th Congress. No matter the results of the election, Congress has several items that need to be addressed this year, including passing a Water Resources Development Act and finalizing the next COVID-19 recovery package, which......

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In Oregon and Beyond, Vote for Water in November

*This post is written by Greg DiLoreto, P.E.,  P.L.S., ASCE Past President regarding the 6th Annual Imagine a Day Without Water and Oregon ballot measure 3-562 on wastewater infrastructure Our country has faced an enormous public health crisis from COVID-19. Throughout this emergency, water and wastewater systems kept the water flowing in homes, hospitals, and......

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ASCE Releases Preliminary Data on Investment Trends in Transit, Roads, and Bridges

With the impending expiration of the FAST Act on September 30, the American Society of Civil Engineers released new data on transit systems, roads, and bridges, showing that the current transportation system investment trends are unsustainable, producing dire consequences for the American people and the economy. The cumulative investment gap between what we are currently......

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