Save America’s Infrastructure

drive act: developing a reliable and innovative vision for the economy

Momentum to DRIVE up infrastructure funding

With a new surface transportation re-authorization bill on the table, the process to pass a long-term bill before Congress’ July 31 deadline is materializing. This week the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee passed a six-year, $278 billion surface transportation reauthorization bill called the Developing a Reliable and Innovative Vision for the Economy (DRIVE) Act.......

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blue usa map

Special Sessions Tackle State Infrastructure Needs

With summer upon us, many state legislators are finding themselves stuck in “summer school” in order to hammer out bills to address growing infrastructure needs. With the exception of a few states who meet year-round, most state legislatures will convene anywhere from 60 to 100 days.  Unfortunately, this year many of states with short sessions......

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drive act: developing a reliable and innovative vision for the economy

Senate Committee Passes Surface Transportation Bill

Today, the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee (EPW) unanimously approved a six-year, $278 billion federal highway portion of the surface transportation authorization bill, the Developing a Reliable and Innovative Vision for the Economy (DRIVE) Act. The DRIVE Act was unveiled earlier this week by EPW Committee leaders Chairman James Inhofe (R-OK), Ranking Member......

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#FixTheTrustFund This Week: Keeping the U.S. from Driving into Potholes

The Highway Trust Fund (HTF) was set up in 1956 to fund the build and maintain a transportation network nationwide. Today, it is the national bank account for roads, bridges and transit that reimburses states for eligible projects. Inaction by Congress has put the Highway Trust Fund in jeopardy, and with a month left before......

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The Taxman Cometh

This week the focus of Congressional tax committees was on how to properly fund our nation’s roads, bridges and transit systems. The federal Highway Trust Fund (HTF) is supported by current federal gasoline tax receipts, which have failed over time to keep up with current federal transportation spending. Therefore, the HTF is facing an $8 billion shortfall......

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leaking pipe of drinking water

WRRDA One Year Later

Just over a year ago President Obama signed the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (WRRDA) into law. It was the first major water resources bill Congress passed in nearly seven years. Historically, major water resources bills were signed on a two year cycle, but partisanship and a ban on congressional earmarks made......

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Final Inning for Highway Trust Fund Fix

With Congress back in session, the countdown for a long-term sustainable solution to fund transportation infrastructure is back on. At this point, lawmakers are in agreement that our infrastructure needs serious attention, yet Congress is in gridlock on finding a long-term solution. Underinvestment in infrastructure does not only lead to a growing backlog of maintenance,......

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EPA Finalizes WOTUS Rule

Last week the Obama Administration released a final rule setting new bounds on the reach of federal water jurisdiction. The “Waters of the U.S.” (WOTUS) rule is more than 20 years in the making. Uncertainty stemming from three Supreme Court decisions left the two primary agencies responsible for implementing the rule—the Environmental Protection Agency and......

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Adapting Infrastructure to a Changing Climate

Every week this blog, Save America’s Infrastructure highlights the well-documented deterioration of our country’s once world-class infrastructure. It’s been our position for a while that the primary threat to America’s infrastructure is a shortfall in investment. However last week ASCE published a new paper highlighting an emerging critical stressor engineers aren’t yet prepared to address:......

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84,000 Dams in the U.S. in All 50 States. 13,991 Dams Protect High Population Centers. The Average Age of Dams: 52 Years

Dam Safety Deserves Awareness

Extreme storms in Texas and Oklahoma are testing the strength of many dams this week. Our thoughts are with those affected, and it is hoped that there are no dam failures contributing to the challenges these communities face. Such failures have had dire effects; it was this same week back in 1889 when the worst......

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