
ASCE Supports Legislation to Reduce Deferred Maintenance Backlog at National Parks

ASCE’s 2017 Infrastructure Report Card gave our nation’s public parks a grade of “D+.” Despite the growing popularity of public parks and lands, chronic underfunding of our parks infrastructure continues to plague the system. The National Park Service’s (NPS) 2016 centennial anniversary generated a new wave of excitement for our nation’s public parks. In fact,......

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Earthquake Program Bill Introduced in Senate

Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) have introduced the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) Reauthorization Act S.1768, a bill to reauthorize the national program to improve the nation’s earthquake preparedness, which was last passed by Congress in 2004. NEHRP plays an important role in preparing earthquake-prone communities for seismic events. First created......

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President Trump Release Executive Order on Infrastructure

On Tuesday, President Trump signed an executive order (EO) on infrastructure permitting, titled Presidential Executive Order on Establishing Discipline and Accountability in the Environmental Review and Permitting Process for Infrastructure. The EO aims to reduce permitting time, which in the past took an average of seven years, and will now be condensed into an average......

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New Report Helps State Legislators Better Understand P3s

Public-private partnerships (P3s) are increasingly becoming a recognized and tapped tool in the toolbox to fund infrastructure investments. While the early adopter states have many P3 ventures under their belts, others are still navigating the process of how to structure an effective P3. To help further the conversation, the National Conference of State Legislatures released......

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The I-35 Bridge Collapse

10 Years After the I-35 Bridge Collapse: What’s Changed With the Nation’s Bridges?

It’s been 10 years since the I-35 bridge going west over the Mississippi River in downtown Minneapolis collapsed, killing 13 people and injuring 145 more. The eight-lane bridge was Minnesota’s third busiest, carrying 140,000 people a day. Its failure opened many people’s eyes to the danger of taking our infrastructure for granted and led leaders......

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Advocating on the Hill for Funding of Critical Dam Programs

In an effort to raise the Dams grade, which received a “D” in the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card, ASCE and the Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO) spent two days on Capitol Hill last week advocating for funding the High Hazard Potential Dam Rehabilitation Program and the National Dam Safety Program (NDSP) – programs......

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senate seal

Senate Appropriations Committee Approves Transportation Spending Bill

The Senate Committee on Appropriations passed a bill yesterday to fund the Departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development for fiscal year 2018 (which according to the federal calendar begins October 1). The bill funds the Department of Transportation (DOT) at $79.6 billion for FY18 (a $1.5 billion increase from FY17). That total is $1.1......

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Federal Infrastructure & Science Programs Receive House Appropriations

The House Appropriations Committee had a busy week, passing the remaining five (out of 12) appropriations bills this week, part of the process Congress goes through to create the federal budget. Here are the highlights of the bills affecting infrastructure and engineering. Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies National Science Foundation is funded at $7.3......

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Transit Woes are Timeless

While all areas of infrastructure are important to address, with its “D-” grade—the lowest in the Report Card—transit would benefit from a little extra attention. For proof, look no further than two of our nation’s most prominent cities’ subway systems. Reliable transit systems are critical for thriving cities. Yet the subway systems in our nation’s......

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One Water Summit 2017

Last week, the U.S. Water Alliance, of which ASCE is a member, held their annual One Water Summit in New Orleans, Louisiana. The summit’s themes included collaborating across and beyond water by leveraging effective partnerships across the water industry; financing and delivering water projects that maximize economic, environmental, and community benefits; communicating the value of......

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