
ASCE President, Kristina Swallow, Testifies Before Senate EPW Committee

On Wednesday, the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (EPW) held a hearing entitled, “Legislative Hearing on America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018” about the importance of long-term, strategic investment in America’s water resources systems. Kristina Swallow, President of ASCE, testified  before the Committee along with four other champions of water infrastructure: Pat......

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ASCE Testifies Before House Small Business Committee

Yesterday, U.S. House of Representatives Small Business Committee held a hearing entitled, “American Infrastructure and the Small Business Perspective” to explore how infrastructure needs impact small business. Marsia Geldert-Murphey, member of the ASCE Board of Direction, testified before the committee along with members from the National Stone, Sand, and Gravel Association; NTCA – the Rural......

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A Busy Month for Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Systems Investments

It’s been a busy few weeks for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure investments; this is great news because despite increased efficiency methods and sustainable practices, there is a growing gap between the capital needed to maintain drinking water and wastewater infrastructure and the actual investments made. By 2025, the investment gap for drinking water and......

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ASCE Gives Missouri Another C-

The 2018 Report Card for Missouri’s Infrastructure was released today and gave the state an overall grade of a “C-.” Eleven categories of infrastructure were assessed by ASCE’s Kansas City Section, with assistance from the St. Louis Section. Of the 11 categories, six were in mediocre condition and five were in poor condition. Aviation, bridges,......

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New Poll Reveals Investing in Water Infrastructure is a Top Priority for Voters

Infrastructure has long been heralded as a bipartisan issue. A new poll out today from the Value of Water further proves this point, finding 88% of Americans voters agree: Now is the time to invest in the nation’s water infrastructure. Among the key findings, four of five American voters (80%) say that rebuilding America’s infrastructure......

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Congress Tackles FY2019 Budget

This week, Congress had a busy schedule of hearings on the President’s Fiscal Year 2019 agency-by-agency budget requests. The House Committee on Appropriations held 19 hearings this week, while the Senate Committee on Appropriations held five hearings. Administration officials from across the federal agencies testified at hearings on the President’s FY19 budget request, including at those for......

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Congress Hosts Series of Disaster Recovery Hearings

This week Congress held multiple hearings offering status updates on post-disaster recovery efforts and lessons learned after 2017’s deadly hurricane season. It started off with a field hearing held by the House Committee on Homeland Security entitled “Houston Strong: Hurricane Harvey Lessons Learned and the Path Forward.” Witnesses included officials from the U.S. Army Corps......

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Building a Culture of Preparedness at FEMA

Last week, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) released a new strategic plan to guide the agency from 2018 through 2022. The plan outlines three goals: reducing the complexity of the agency, readying the nation for catastrophic disaster, and building a culture of preparedness. The strategic goals will be driven by twelve supporting strategic objectives......

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