
Action to Fix Highway Trust Fund Needed by This Summer

On Monday, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) released its latest projections on the fiscal health of the federal Highway Trust Fund (HTF).  The HTF is the main source of federal money for road, bridge and transit projects and has been facing fiscal challenges for a number of years.  Last summer, Congress provided a temporary infusion......

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Chime in on Wednesday to Fix the Trust Fund

As Congress continues the debate on the best way to #FixTheTrustFund and modernize America’s roads, bridges, and transit, USDOT Sec. Foxx and Transportation & Infrastructure Chairman Bill Shuster are heading to Twitter for a bipartisan “townhall” to discuss surface transportation. The town hall, a first of its kind, will be Wednesday, Feb. 11 after Sec.......

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This Week in Infrastructure: Federal Funding Proposals Outline Roadmap for the Future

Between the USDOT’s 30-year transportation funding plan, Obama’s 2016 budget featuring the GROW AMERICA act and testimonies of transit needs in the media, our nation’s beleaguered infrastructure is getting some much-needed attention. One blaring example of the our nation’s urban transit needs is evident in James Robertson’s now viral story of walking 21 miles as......

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Infrastructure in Arkansas Earns D+

This Thursday, the Arkansas Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers released their inaugural Infrastructure Report Card for the state grading the states’ infrastructure. Arkansas’ infrastructure received a cumulative GPA of “D+” in the 2014 Report Card for Arkansas’ Infrastructure. The seven infrastructure categories evaluated in the report include: Roads (D+) Drinking water (D+)......

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21-Year-Old Gas Tax Rate Still Holding Up America’s Roads & Bridges

The following is a statement from Randall (Randy) S. Over, P.E., F.ASCE, president of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), regarding the 21st anniversary of the last federal gas tax increase: “Today the federal gas tax’s 18.4-cent rate turns 21. While this is a rite of passage for American college students, this milestone is......

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New Report Card for Illinois’ Infrastructure Shows Progress

The 2014 Report Card for Illinois’ Infrastructure was released today by the Illinois Sections of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) at the Illinois Statehouse. A panel of professional civil engineers throughout the state graded each infrastructure category according to the following eight criteria: capacity, condition, funding, future need, operation and maintenance, public safety, resilience,......

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Georgia’s C Infrastructure

Georgia’s infrastructure has failed to improve over the last five years. In a new report, titled the 2014 Report Card for Georgia’s Infrastructure, the Georgia Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) awarded the state’s infrastructure a “C,” a grade unchanged from their 2009 Report Card. The lowest grade awarded was a “D-”,......

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Georgia’s Infrastructure Is On Our Mind

The 2014 Report Card for Georgia’s Infrastructure will be released next Monday, January 13th, in the South Wing of the State Capitol on the very first day day of Georgia’s legislative session.  Highlighting the infrastructure needs across the state, the Report Card will provide a new GPA for Georgia’s infrastructure as well as new grades......

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