
Potholes: On the Street and in the News

Despite ringing in the New Year with a bomb cyclone, this January has been unusually warm across the country. We don’t need to turn to our Weather App to know that spring will be here before we know it. Instead, we can turn to the roads, where potholes are making their yearly pre-spring appearance thanks......

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Public-Private Partnerships, A Tool in the Toolbox

Partnerships between public agencies – federal, state, and local – and private companies are an increasingly popular infrastructure financing policy tool. As public budgets continue to be squeezed; public-private partnerships (P3s) allow planners and policymakers more breathing room to invest. P3s can be an effective financing mechanism through tools such as municipal and private activity......

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States Are Back in Session and Infrastructure Is on the Agenda

All eyes are on the federal government as the country waits for President Trump to unveil his long-awaited infrastructure plan. In the meantime, we have seen state after state step up and do their part to fill in the investment gap. Some states, such as Oregon and California, have recently implemented gas taxes to fund......

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U.S. Chamber: An Infrastructure Bill with a User Fee Increase is Our 2018 Priority

On January 18, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce hosted business leaders, policymakers, association presidents, investors and workforce leaders for the “America’s Infrastructure Summit: Time to Modernize.” In conjunction with the Summit, the U.S. Chamber released a set of recommendations for policymakers to consider as they begin developing a comprehensive infrastructure package. These recommendations included the......

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Federal Investment in Infrastructure: A Mutually Beneficial Relationship

America’s infrastructure network is the backbone of our economy. Every day, our roads, bridges, rails, inland waterways, transit systems and more move millions of people and goods from origin to destination. Infrastructure enables us to get to work, school, and leisure activities, and facilitates trade. The role infrastructure plays in supporting the economy and preserving......

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Congressional ‘Problem Solvers’ Propose Infrastructure Solutions

On Wednesday, the Problem Solvers Caucus, a bipartisan group of 24 republican and 24 democrat U.S. House Members released “Rebuilding America’s Infrastructure,” a report detailing points of bipartisan consensus on policies to improve the nation’s infrastructure. Rep. John Katko (R-NY) and Rep. Elizabeth Esty (D-CT) led the Infrastructure Working Group that identified places of agreement......

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Must Haves for a Federal Infrastructure Bill

The anticipation for the Administration’s Infrastructure Proposal is mounting, as reports indicate Republicans discussed it at a retreat at Camp David and the White House hosted a bipartisan meeting to share more about what they will release. To address our nation’s infrastructure needs, we need an additional $2 trillion worth of investment across all levels......

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A Look Back: 2017 at ASCE

Between the release of the 2017 Infrastructure Report Card, the implementation of a gas tax in states across the country, and waiting for President Trump’s highly-anticipated infrastructure plan, 2017 has been a full year for ASCE. Take a look at our 5 most read blog posts from 2017: 1. Legislation to Create National Infrastructure Bank Reintroduced......

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Driving In A Winter Wonderland: States Prepare Infrastructure For Winter Conditions

Dreaming of a white Christmas? Or maybe you’re hoping to escape the cold this holiday season? No matter what your perfect holiday looks like, each winter we turn on our TVs and check our weather apps to see snow and hail coming down across America. These storms create poor visibility for drivers, icy roads, and......

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The Transportation of Tomorrow: Self-Driving Vehicles

General Motors, Alphabet Inc., and other innovators are racing to the finish line with the latest in transportation technology: autonomous vehicles. This week Florida, Montana, Wisconsin, and Minnesota made headlines for showing interest in this new technology, with some cities heading to the streets for a test-drive. Across the country, we are seeing what was......

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