Drinking Water

leaking pipe of drinking water

Water Week Highlights Diverse Needs Across the Country

Over 100 water and wastewater utility managers, operators and engineers visited Washington, D.C. this week to advocate for more federal investment in water infrastructure. Lead by the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) and several other sponsoring organizations, including the American Society of Civil Engineers  (ASCE) the week provided an opportunity for water industries......

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leaking pipe of drinking water

D.C. Infrastructure Report Card Gives C- Overall, Lowest Grade to Levees

The 2016 Report Card for D.C.’s Infrastructure is an independent review of the current state of infrastructure needs, capability and funding in D.C. by the National Capital Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers. The Report Card was written over the past year by ASCE members from the D.C. region who assigned the grades......

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blue map of USA

State of Our Union Will Strengthen With Infrastructure Investment

President Obama delivered his final State of the Union address on Tuesday evening. Among the goals he set out was the need to build a “21st century transportation system.” He went further, posing the question of how we can utilize technology to solve our nation’s challenges. Modernizing our transportation network and offering innovative solutions to......

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imagine a day without water

Join in the National Imagine a Day Without Water

There is a water main break every two minutes in the U.S. For such a valuable resource, we are not prioritizing it in the way we should. As cliché as it may sound, water makes everything possible. Morning coffee, fighting fires, manufacturing blue jeans, growing apples, and visiting a water park all require water. Across......

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Can you hold your own on our infrastructure quiz? Let’s find out!

“Test your Infrastructure I.Q.” is a quiz to help you learn more about our nation’s infrastructure. The quiz is a fun, interactive tool and covers 16 categories of American infrastructure: energy, schools, public parks & recreation, transit, roads, rail, ports, inland waterways, bridges, aviation, wastewater, solid waste, levees, hazardous waste, drinking water and dams. If you......

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Water Week Focuses on Efficiency Technologies, Aging Infrastructure and Value of Water

We are in the midst of this year’s Water Week, which includes a marathon four-day affair in Washington, DC that brings water wonks from across the country together to discuss trending water issues with lawmakers and regulators. The week kicked off with a presentation by Robert Glennon, author of Unquenchable: America’s Water Crisis and What......

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This Week in Infrastructure: Water Infrastructure Incurs More Attention

Amidst the visible need for highway, bridge and pothole repairs, we often forget the growing needs of our nation’s water infrastructure. According to ASCE’s Report Card, there are 240,000 water main breaks per year and trillions of gallons of water are lost each year due to “leaky pipes, broken water mains and faulty meters.” Cities throughout......

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2013 report card for America

San Francisco Strengthens Water Pipelines Against Earthquake Vulnerabilities

With a D+ cumulative grade for our nation’s infrastructure and the federal Highway Trust Funding heading toward a fiscal cliff in May 2015, the great infrastructure innovations happening around the country are often overlooked. The recently updated 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure highlights 20 new successful projects and initiatives that each improve our nation’s......

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Join the #WaterWorks Thunderclap to Show Your Support for Water Infrastructure Investment

Without clean, safe, and reliable water and wastewater systems, one-fifth of our US economy would grind to a halt. Yet, in the 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure, drinking water and wastewater both received D grades. On Wednesday, Sept. 10, ASCE will join other water leaders as part of the Value of Water Coalition to......

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