Drinking Water

Civil Engineers respond to House passage of $1.5 trillion infrastructure plan, Moving Forward Act; continues call for bipartisanship

The following is a statement by K.N. Gunalan “Guna,” Ph.D., P.E., President, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in response to the House passage of H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act: Today, the House of Representatives prioritized modern, resilient, and sustainable infrastructure as part of America’s recovery. We commend the House for making infrastructure investment a......

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New Report from American Society of Civil Engineers Shows Dire Impacts of COVID-19 on Nation’s Infrastructure Sectors

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) today released COVID-19’s Impacts on America’s Infrastructure, a status report on the COVID-19 pandemic’s detrimental effects on the nation’s critical, yet aging and underinvested airports, bridges, dams, drinking water, energy, inland waterways, parks, ports, roads, schools, transit and wastewater infrastructure. The report provides a snapshot of these sectors,......

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Water, Ports, and Resilience Investment Included in Moving Forward Act

House Democrats’ infrastructure package, the Moving Forward Act, contains $40 billion for wastewater infrastructure and $25 billion for drinking water infrastructure. ASCE’s 2017 Infrastructure Report Card gave our nation’s wastewater a grade of “D+,” and our nation’s drinking water a grade of “D,” and by 2025, the disparity between needed and anticipated funding for drinking......

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Poll: Voters Overwhelmingly Support More Investment in Water Infrastructure

If there is anything that can bridge the partisan gap between Americans, it’s reliable, safe, and high-quality infrastructure. In fact, 80% of Americans support rebuilding our nation’s infrastructure more than almost any other top issue facing the current Administration, according to the Value of Water’s 2020 National Survey on Public Opinion on Water Infrastructure, hot......

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Mississippi’s Infrastructure Gets a ‘D+’; Grades Unveiled in Virtual Press Conference

The ASCE Mississippi Section released the 2020 Report Card for Mississippi’s Infrastructure this morning in a virtual news conference, announcing grades and solutions for 14 infrastructure categories. Due to the ongoing spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and risks posed by large gatherings, the Section held the press conference virtually. Speakers included Jennifer Sloan Ziegler, Ph.D.,......

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COVID -19 Hits Infrastructure Sectors

With the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic now impacting all 50 states, D.C., and Puerto Rico, life as we know it has ground to a halt. This has cascading impacts on the infrastructure sectors that engineers work on –  from declining infrastructure revenue sources, such as state DOT and transit agency budgets, to delayed projects across the......

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Colorado’s Infrastructure Earns a Mediocre Grade of “C-”

Colorado’s roads and bridges are sitting better than the national average, but funding is being stretched to modernize infrastructure with a growing population. Today at the Colorado State Capitol, the Colorado ASCE Section unveiled the full report card, giving 14 categories of infrastructure an overall ‘C-.’ Infrastructure categories included aviation, roads, bridges, energy, schools, hazardous......

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Where do the 2020 Presidential Candidates Stand on Infrastructure?

As we inch closer to the caucuses, Democratic candidates are running out of time to release tangible policy solutions which focus on the issues that are most critical to the majority of Americans. One of those issues, which 90 percent of Americans support, continues to be the condition of our nation’s infrastructure. So far, four......

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SMART Infrastructure Act Puts Public Safety At Risk

Bipartisan legislation is hard to come by these days in Congress, which is why the Sustainable Municipal Access to Resilient Technology in Infrastructure, or SMART Act, may look good at first glance, however; this bill could do more harm than good in terms of moving America’s infrastructure into the 21st century. Engineers design, build, and......

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