2015 once again proved that states are where the action is! Gavel to gavel, ASCE kept a watchful eye on legislative sessions in all 50 states, worked on ballot initiatives in 4 states, and travelled coast to coast educating members on how to engage elected officials, and reaching out to legislators to spread the message of the critical needs of our infrastructure.
Here are just some of the highlights from the past year:
Tracking 1,300+ Bills: ASCE identified 54 priority bills in 31 states as well as tracked 1,308 bills and 308 regulations during the 2015 session. Login with your ASCE Member credentials to see the bills in your state at www.asce.org/multistate
- Increasing State Transportation Revenues: ASCE Sections in 8 states (Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, South Dakota, Utah, and Washington) supported legislative efforts to successfully raise revenue for transportation infrastructure.
- Protecting Professional Licenses: ASCE opposed bills in Arkansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Nevada, and Washington that would do away with all professional licenses. ASCE also worked with the Indiana Section to urge their Governor to reject elimination of professional licensure.
- Holding State Capital Events: Legislative advocacy days were hosted at the capitols of Alaska, California, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Ohio, South Carolina and Virginia.
- Training ASCE State Leaders: ASCE State Government Relations Staff held the first State Advocacy Captain training in June with members from 11 states and a second in November bringing members from 10 additional states into the fold.
- Educating State Legislators: ASCE exhibited with the Washington Section at the National Conference of State Legislature’s Annual Legislative Summit and partnered on the Unmanned Aircraft Systems policy initiative. ASCE also sponsored two Council of State Government Transportation Policy Academies for state legislators and participated in the spring and summer National Lt. Governors Association meetings.
Read the full ASCE 2015 Year in Review here.