Unfortunately, most dams in Alabama are out of sight and out of mind to the public. As the only state in the U.S. without a Dam Safety Program, Alabama lacks the institutional office that educates the public, leads dam inspections, and houses condition data. Consequently, the potential vulnerability of the public is unknown, and the state disqualifies itself from accessing federal infrastructure funds for inspections, training, improvements, and rehabilitation.
Alabama urgently needs a data-driven, decision-making process for its aging dams. Fortunately, the Alabama Safe Dam Coalition Technical Committee has proposed an advisory pilot study to provide information and guidance to the legislature. However, the pilot study has not yet been approved. The implementation and rollout of an Alabama Dam Safety Program will take a considerable amount of time since it requires a complete understanding of the overall integrity of the state’s dam infrastructure and risk to downstream property and human life. Therefore, with years still ahead until completion, the time for legislative action is now to protect Alabama citizens from risk caused by the state’s dams.