water resources development act

Congress Moves Forward With Water Resources Bill (WRDA 2024)

Update: The House of Representatives recently passed the bipartisan Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) for 2024. You can read ASCE’s statement on the passing of H.R. 8812 here: https://infrastructurereportcard.org/asce-statement-on-house-passage-of-the-water-resources-development-act-of-2024/   This week, the House of Representatives took a big step toward passing its biennial water resources bill.  The Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2024......

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ASCE Gives Thanks for Infrastructure Successes

It’s that time of the year again – turkey, time off work to be with family and friends, and traveling headaches due to crowded airports and traffic on the highways. This week, millions of people around the country are traveling by way of plane, car, train, or bus to visit their loved ones near and......

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Congress Begins WRDA 2018 Discussions

This week, the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure (T&I) Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment held a hearing entitled “America’s Water Resources Infrastructure: Approaches to Enhanced Delivery Systems.” Witnesses at the hearing included Major General Donald E. Jackson, the Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers......

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Congressional Hearings Focus on Aviation, Flood Control

As the President’s repeated in his address to Congress his pledge to dramatically increase infrastructure spending to the tune of $1 trillion, various Congressional Committees have been holding hearings to explore the need. While the hearings reflect broad and even growing support on Capitol Hill for infrastructure spending, they also illustrate major hurdles, chief among......

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leaking pipe of drinking water

Congress Unveils Compromise Water Resources Bill

Congressional negotiators released a newly rebranded water infrastructure bill this week after months of hashing out differences between their respective Water Resources Development Acts (S.2848 and H.R.5303) that each chamber passed earlier this year. The new bill, dubbed the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act or WIIN Act not only includes a traditional Army......

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leaking pipe of drinking water

Stakeholders Weighing on Final Water Resources Package

As the last remaining standalone infrastructure bill with a chance of becoming law this year, stakeholders for the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2016 are beginning to double down on their priorities by weighing in with the leaders charged with reconciling difference in the House passed and Senate passed versions. The House and Senate......

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84,000 Dams in the U.S. in All 50 States. 13,991 Dams Protect High Population Centers. The Average Age of Dams: 52 Years

A Plan for Aging Dams

Earlier this week, the Center for American Progress(CAP) released a report on U.S. dams, Aging Dams and Clogged Rivers: An Infrastructure Plan for U.S. Waterways. The report makes the economic case for the need to increase investment in our infrastructure, citing ASCE’s Failure to Act economic study that found we’re currently paying about half our......

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Congress Returns to Town — Zika, Federal Budget and Water Resources Legislation All At Play

Coming off a long summer break, Congress returns today to several realities it left unfinished in June. While a Water Resources bill is the top opportunity for infrastructure policy, other pressing issues may take precedence. In the warm months since leaving town, the Zika virus has spread across Florida and its reach is expected to......

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leaking pipe of drinking water

Raising the Grade: How the 2016 Water Resources Development Act Can Improve America’s Ports and Inland Waterways

In this second post of a three-part blog series, we’re looking at projects, policy changes and programs included in S. 2848, the Water Resources Development Act of 2016. Read about how WRDA can improve Dams and Levees. Now up, Ports and Inland Waterways Ports and Inland Waterways: Improving the Movement of Goods and Commerce ......

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