
Rough Time for State Activity

It’s been a rough couple weeks in state capitols for infrastructure advocates as four states – Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington – are struggling to enact major transportation funding proposals. Particularly disappointing is that in each state seems so close to the finish line. In Texas, the high profile filibuster over abortion legislation during a......

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Get to Know North Carolina’s Mediocre Infrastructure

Today, North Carolina’s civil engineers released a new Infrastructure Report Card. After spending a year diving into the details of the state’s infrastructure – from bridges to beaches to dams – they determined that North Carolina’s infrastructure only deserved a mediocre C grade. Like many areas of the country, North Carolina has some work to......

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TCC Members Hit Capitol Hill

Members of the Transportation Construction Coalition hit Capitol Hill this morning as a part of the organization’s annual Fly In. With over 500 construction, engineering, and equipment experts coming into Washington DC, the plan it to make Members of Congress understand the dire impact on their states, districts and the National economy if Congress fails......

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Civil Engineer and Inventor John Hillman Named by White House as Transportation Champion of Change

Imagine holding four U.S. patents for a landmark and unique bridge technology, more than a dozen foreign or pending patents and winning every major design and construction award available in the nation.  Now imagine all of this being accomplished by one individual – civil engineer John Hillman. In a White House ceremony today, Hillman and......

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ASCE Statement on the Nomination of Mayor Anthony Foxx for Transportation Secretary

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The following is a statement from Gregory E. DiLoreto, P.E., P.L.S, D.WRE, president of The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), regarding the nomination of Charlotte Mayor Anthony Foxx for U.S. Transportation Secretary: “We are very encouraged by Mayor Foxx’s nomination. Now is the time to reaffirm our commitment to improving our......

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Obama FY14 Budget Proposal Focuses on Infrastructure

President Obama released a federal budget plan for Fiscal Year 2014 this week that calls for spending of $3.77 trillion.  The budget plan would reduce the federal deficit by $1.8 trillion over 10 years, the White House said. The FY 2014 budget proposal includes $50 billion for infrastructure investments, including $40 billion to cover what......

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The Panama Canal Expansion and Commerce

The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee held a hearing this afternoon on the expansion of the Panama Canal and the effects that the expansion will have on freight movement in the United States. The issue is one that ASCE has been discussing in depth over the past few months, because the economic impacts could......

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DeFazio Tackles the Eternal Question…How to Fund the Highway Trust Fund?

With each passing day we are getting closer to September 30, 2014, the day when MAP-21, the legislation funding surface transportation programs, will expire. Therefore, even though Congress just passed a surface transportation bill last summer, work already must be underway on the next bill. However, before Congress can pass another surface transportation reauthorization, a......

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