
Civil Engineers Encouraged by White House Meeting on Infrastructure; Now It’s Time for Congress to Act

Washington – The following is a statement by Robin A. Kemper, PE, President, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in response to the meeting on infrastructure between President Trump, House Speaker Pelosi, Senate Democratic Leader Schumer: “The American Society of Civil Engineers was thrilled to see President Trump, House Speaker Pelosi, and Senate Democratic Leader......

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WRDA Passes in the House

Today, the House of Representatives passed the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2018, S. 3021. The passage of this bill authorizes key programs and projects that are critical to improving our nation’s water-related infrastructure categories. The 2017 Infrastructure Report Card graded each of these categories; ports received a grade of “C+,” while dams, levees,......

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New Congressional Proposal Offers Gas Tax Increase Tied to Inflation

We saw some encouraging movement from the Hill today on transportation. Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) are floating a plan to increase the gas tax twice by increments of six cents, and then index the gas tax to inflation so it’s a sustainable revenue source. Here’s a statement from ASCE President Randall......

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