report card

Sometimes It’s Best to Look Beneath You: A Successful Geothermal Project at Portland International Jetport

  Commit to Success America’s infrastructure needs a national commitment to bring existing infrastructure into a state-of-good-repair, and in the long term we must modernize and build in a targeted and strategic manner. This means leadership at the federal, state, and local levels of government, by businesses and individuals, to communicate the importance of our......

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What They’re Saying About the Pennsylvania Report Card

Watch clips from the release events speakers here, courtesy of Urban Engineers. Engineers grade Pa.’s infrastructure: C-minus – Engineering Group Gives Low Marks to Pennsylvania Infrastructure -CBS Local – Philly Pa. Infrastructure Grades Suffer Due To Poor Roads, Bridges – CBS Local – Pittsburgh State’s civil engineers give roads a D- in latest “report card”......

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Pennsylvania Earns 7 Poor D Grades in New Report Card

Today, civil engineers from across Pennsylvania released a new Report Card for Pennsylvania’s Infrastructure giving 16 grades for the state’s infrastructure.  Here’s how Pennsylvania’s infrastructure ranks from worst grades to best: Roads                                   D- Wastewater                       D- Drinking Water                D Transit                                 D Bridges                                D+ Inland Waterways          D+ Stormwater                       D+ Dams                                    C- Levees                                  C- Schools                                C- Energy                                 C......

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New Report Card for Illinois’ Infrastructure Shows Progress

The 2014 Report Card for Illinois’ Infrastructure was released today by the Illinois Sections of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) at the Illinois Statehouse. A panel of professional civil engineers throughout the state graded each infrastructure category according to the following eight criteria: capacity, condition, funding, future need, operation and maintenance, public safety, resilience,......

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Success Story: Louisville’s Riverbank Filtration Projects are Innovating with Nature

When change is needed, water utilities like the Louisville Water Company also look to see what else can be improved in the process. The Riverbank Filtration Tunnel and Pump Station project at the B.E. Payne Treatment Plant was developed in Louisville to exceed new regulations that took effect in 2012 by the Safe Drinking Water......

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Georgia’s C Infrastructure

Georgia’s infrastructure has failed to improve over the last five years. In a new report, titled the 2014 Report Card for Georgia’s Infrastructure, the Georgia Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) awarded the state’s infrastructure a “C,” a grade unchanged from their 2009 Report Card. The lowest grade awarded was a “D-”,......

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Infrastructure Is the Missing Ingredient to Healthy School Lunches

The Kids’ Safe and Healthful Foods Project lead by The Pew Charitable Trusts and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation released a report this December titled, Serving Healthy School Meals: U.S. Schools Need Updated Kitchen Equipment.  They found that 55% of school food authorities (SFAs) need kitchen infrastructure changes at one or more schools to meet......

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On Infrastructure, Funding is the Challenge

In a recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Philip Howard, of the small-government reform group Common Good, said that when it comes to U.S. infrastructure, “funding is not the challenge.” Where to begin? Funding is an immense, complicated, and ever-changing challenge facing our country’s roads, bridges, water systems, dams, and other infrastructure. Our inability......

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