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ASCE Members Take Infrastructure Investment Message to Congress

On Tuesday March 12th and Wednesday, March 13th, 258 ASCE members from 50 states, DC and Puerto Rico, arrived on Capitol Hill to advocate for infrastructure and the civil engineering community. Armed with everyday civil engineering experiences, issues briefings from the ASCE Government Relations team, and insight from keynote speakers, Fly-In attendees met with over......

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ASCE Gives Thanks for Infrastructure Successes

It’s that time of the year again – turkey, time off work to be with family and friends, and traveling headaches due to crowded airports and traffic on the highways. This week, millions of people around the country are traveling by way of plane, car, train, or bus to visit their loved ones near and......

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WRDA Passes in the House

Today, the House of Representatives passed the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2018, S. 3021. The passage of this bill authorizes key programs and projects that are critical to improving our nation’s water-related infrastructure categories. The 2017 Infrastructure Report Card graded each of these categories; ports received a grade of “C+,” while dams, levees,......

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