
The White House: How the New Budget will Affect Infrastructure and Engineering

How the White House Budget Would Affect Infrastructure and Engineering

The White House released its budget blueprint for FY 2018 last week, signaling its priorities to Congress as it ramps up the annual appropriations process. The White House’s budget would increase defense spending by $54 billion and offset that increase with broad cuts elsewhere in discretionary spending. It will be up to House and Senate......

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Washington, D.C.: Plan to Invest in Infrastructure

Rep. DeFazio Introduces Legislation to Invest $500 Billion in Roads, Bridges & Transit

Today Rep. Peter DeFazio (OR-4), the top Democrat on the House’s Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, introduced legislation to raise approximately $500 billion to repair America’s deteriorating roads, bridges, and transit systems. The bill, H.R. 1664 – Investing in America: A Penny for Progress Act, finances the additional investment by authorizing the Treasury Department to issue......

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President Trump’s Proposed Budget’s Impact on Infrastructure

On Thursday, March 16, President Trump released his first proposed budget as president. Often referred to as the “skinny” budget because it is released soon after a President assumes office, the budget proposal included many cuts to infrastructure programs that in the past have been successful. The following statement is from Norma Jean Mattei, President,......

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Welcome to the New

In conjunction with the release of the 2017 grades, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is relaunching We invite you to explore all the new site has to offer, including an overview of the 16 infrastructure categories and ASCE’s solutions for how to raise the national grade. The site showcases the 2017 Report......

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President’s Address Includes Infrastructure

On Tuesday night, President Trump addressed a joint-session of Congress for the first time in his presidency. Infrastructure was among the many issues he discussed. The President highlighted the interstate highway system as a the “last truly great national infrastructure program,” before calling for a “new program of national rebuilding” and vowing to ask Congress......

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United States Senate and Privatizing Infrastructure

Senate EPW Committee Examines How to Modernize America’s Infrastructure

On Wednesday the Senate’s Environment and Public Works committee held its first oversight hearing of the 115th Congress (video available here) and new Chairman John Barrasso (R-WY) started things off by making it clear where he stands on the proposal offered by President Trump’s campaign to use private investment to improve our nation’s infrastructure: “Funding......

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Transport: Transformation and Infrastructure committee

House T&I Committee Examines How to Build a 21st Century Infrastructure

Yesterday the House Transportation & Infrastructure (T&I) Committee held a hearing titled “Building a 21st Century Infrastructure for America.” It was the Committee’s first hearing in the 115th Congress and came on the heels of both President Trump’s pledge to focus on infrastructure and a trillion dollar infrastructure investment blueprint previewed by Senate Democrats last week. The......

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Blue USA map respresenting democrats' infrastructure plan

Democrats’ Infrastructure Blueprint Furthers Legislative Conversation

Days after President Trump was the first to use the word “infrastructure” in an inaugural address, Senate Democrats doubled-down on his promise to invest in infrastructure by offering their own plan to increase investment by $1 trillion over 10 years, and purportedly create more than 15 million new jobs in the process. The plan, led......

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leaking pipe of drinking water

National Conference of State Legislatures Legislative Summit Talks Infrastructure

This week the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) held its  annual Legislative Summit in Chicago.  Approximately 5,000 state legislators, legislative staffers, federal officials and others gathered to gain invaluable knowledge from experts and fellow legislators to take back to their respective states. Attendees participated in an array of policy-producing committee meetings, issue forums and deep-dive sessions, including on......

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